Insight - Mar. 13th, 2020
Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the shutdown in the United States and how the economy has depreciated some eleven-and-a-half trillion dollars in wealth due to the panic reaction to the Coronavirus. The Rosensterns believe the goal, since the inception of COVID-19, has been to destroy all that President Trump has been able to accomplish. The Rosensterns are appalled that Americans are reacting in such a way. Brother Josh says, people need to realize this fear is out of control, and ask themselves what they are putting their faith in. One’s faith needs to be in our sure foundation, Jesus Christ. To add to the attack within the government, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is coming under fire for trying to push forward a Coronavirus Relief Bill, with a hidden measure that would allocate a billion dollars of taxpayer money going to support abortions.