The Message of the Cross Nov. 5th, 2019
Today on the Message of the Cross, the Christian's ego is put under the microscope. Brother Swaggart addresses the millions of Spirit filled believers who are not anchoring their faith in Christ and Him Crucified, and thus not finding victory in their lives with regard to sin. Brother Dave Smith reminds that self must die at the foot of the Cross. The panel discusses the many things believers are putting their faith in other than the Cross; tops on the list, good works; like prayer, going to church or tithing. If we put our faith in our prayer life instead of what Christ did at Calvary then our faith is in that and not Christ. Brother Carl Brown, remembers when he didn't understand the Cross for sanctification, but was Spirit filled; he believes his God given gifts would not have lasted long, if his faith had continued being placed in other things. Galatians 5:25, similar to Romans 8, scripture says walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, which must be our position in Christ; this reinforces the IF we live with our faith there we CAN walk after the Spirit. Brother John Rosenstern sends warning to those who are flat out rejecting the Cross. Brother Joseph Larson says the more we truly know and love the Lord, then the Spirit of God will reveal the Cross of Christ. Brother Loren Larson reminds what Jesus did; if the church rejects me, go out into the highways and byways and preach and their are millions there who will receive it. Those who reject the Cross of Christ will not stop the Spirit of God. The Lord's truth will go out!