The Message of the Cross Nov. 7th, 2019
Are you a believer who is struggling with sin? Today on The Message of The Cross Brother Swaggart and panel tells you just how to have victory over sin in your life. Despite the lies of Satan, that make you think this is just the way you are, Christ died for ALL sin. Brother Loren Larson says the power of evil is so strong, so powerful, it took Jesus to break that power of sin’s grip at the Cross. Justification delivers from the penalty of sin at the Cross, but there’s more; the Cross offers the sanctification we seek in our lives to stay dead to sin. Scripture is clear, in Ephesians 2:8-9 by grace are we are saved. Brothers Josh Rosenstern and Joseph Larson explain how we try to sanctify ourselves with a misunderstanding of law and grace. Loren Larson says law mindedness needs to be exposed. Brother Swaggart says many in the church are running after grace with no understanding to just how the Finished work of Christ must be the anchor, the object of one’s faith to receive God’s grace.