Jesus Christ defeated every evil desire of Satan on Calvary’s Cross. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel read Colossians 2:15-18 discussing the magnitude of the great victory Christ won on the Cross. He died for all mankind, to save lost humanity. Because of Christ's victory, we are victorious. We are no longer slaves to sin, but are sons and daughters of the King. Brother Donnie explains how proper faith in the finished work of Christ allows the Holy Spirit to change the believer into the image of Christ, for holiness is an internal work that is seen outwardly.
Up Next in 2025
Wednesday Evening Service - February ...
Christianity is not a philosophy, for a philosophy cannot set a captive free. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart welcomes special guest Evangelist John Maasbach from The Blessing Church in The Hague, Netherlands. The panel reads Colossians 2:8-13 continuing the teachings o...
Wednesday Night Service - February 1...
God specializes in things thought impossible. Tonight at Family Worship Center, the Holy Spirit moves on the praise and worship and draws many to the altar for healing. Pastor Gabe reminds us, when we draw nearer to Him, He’ll move in our lives like no other power can.
Wednesday Night Service - February 1...
If we get the Cross of Christ wrong, we get the Bible wrong. Truth is truth. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel read Colossians 2:1-7 teaching on the truth of the gospel and warns of another way being taught in many churches today. From the beginning of the earl...