Sin is a cruel taskmaster. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Satan’s attempt to steal every good thing a believer has found in Christ. The church often tries to address acts of sin rather than addressing the sin nature itself. Brother Josh says we need to get to the core of sin, and not just Band-Aid the symptoms. Brother Larson says the sin nature teaches our members, but that is stopped at salvation when the sin nature is made dormant. The power of sin is crushed by the Cross of Christ. The believer must anchor their faith in Christ’s finished work so the sin nature remains dormant; looking to self-efforts and works of the flesh can revive the sin nature. There is a real and present foe that seeks to destroy our faith. He that is dead is free from the sin nature; be dead unto sin and alive unto God. Jesus Christ is the source and Cross is the means.
Up Next in 2022
The Message Of The Cross - Mar. 31st,...
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel welcome Abbeville Pastor Kenny Flaming. Pastor Flaming just returned from Pakistan where his team delivered hundreds of Expositor’s Study bibles along with flash drives of Bible downloads translated in the native language...
The Message Of The Cross - Mar. 30th,...
Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss having victory in the Message of the Cross, reading from Exodus 5:4. The panel explains why it seems the believer will come under greater attack of Satan when they place their faith in Christ and Him crucified. B...
The Message Of The Cross - Mar. 29th,...
It’s not God’s will for His children to live outside of the Covenant. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Exodus 5:4 and God’s Covenant with His people. Under the Old Covenant, God allowed the bondage of the Israelite’s at that hands of Pharaoh, bu...