The Message Of The Cross - Nov. 27th, 2019
Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the confusion of people, money and education with reference to the success of the church. Brother Swaggart says, church success should point to a people growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord. Often times, this is twisted; as people try to make a show in the flesh as referenced in Galatians 6:12. The exterior actions of a man, will never solve the interior problem of the heart. Brother Larson shares Colossians 2:23 speaking of this outward appearance of wisdom. Brother Bob Cornell shares the pains of Paul’s ministry, as he showed the Jew and the Gentile that Christianity is not a part of Judaism. The New Covenant is not an extension of the Old Covenant, as the Jews were trying to hold on to the Old Covenant and not preach the Cross. Sound familiar?