Do you want to see the one who died for you? Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss God’s headquarters on planet heaven. The size of the New Jerusalem will be staggering; 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles long, that is at least half the size of the United States, and 1500 miles high. It’s a city where the Lamb is the light. Brother Swaggart says if God says it in His Word, then that’s just how it will be. Don’t you want to go to a place like this? Brother Larson, says too many people’s eyes are on the temporal things of this earth, and not the things of God. Brother Swaggart says Jesus outshines everything. Because of the Cross of Christ, this New Jerusalem will be coming down to planet Earth in the Millennial Reign; will you put your faith in Christ and Him alone? Brother Joseph says this glorious city, so eloquently described by God, is a wonderful reward for those who are heaven bound.
Up Next in 2020
The Message Of The Cross - Sep. 29th,...
We are adopted into the family of God, and O the privilege, that grants the believer. Today on The Message of The Cross, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss salvation and the blessings it brings. Brother Joseph shares Job 14:7-9, telling us there is hope of a tree, that if it be cut down, it wil...
The Message Of The Cross - Sep. 28th,...
For the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. Romans 8:2- Today Brother Swaggart and panel discuss being an overcomer. If you are born again you are an overcomer, as your faith is anchored in Christ and the Cross. As our position doesn’t chang...
The Messge Of The Cross - Sep. 25th, ...
Eternal life begins when we give our heart to the Lord. Today Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the state of the unbeliever and the power of God that takes over when an unbeliever decides to believe on Jesus Christ. Tears of sorrow envelope this world, the heartache and separation is because o...