Wednesday Evening Service - Dec. 9th, 2020
1h 12m
We need the presence of the Lord. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 22:14-15, and how God closes out the canon of scripture with an altar call. He lists sin by name. Sin is the problem of mankind, and Jesus atoned for all sin at the Cross. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive. Brother Smith reminds us, that not talking about sin, or avoiding that it exists, does not take away the guilt one has when they are out of relationship with God. To battle this conviction, many Christians get involved in religious activity to ease their guilt, but Brother Swaggart says this will not work. Brother Donnie says true "biblical counseling" is getting people to the altar. Guilt will ride the mind and tear the heart apart; give your heart to Christ and watch the guilt lift.