The books will be opened revealing the hearts of men. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Revelation 20:11-15 discussing the judgment to come. At the Great White Throne Judgment, all the unredeemed will be there. When man looks to psychology for the answer to life’s problems, we often see a blaming game; either blaming someone or something in life that has wronged us. This is what we saw in the Garden with the fall of Adam and Eve. Man is not inherently good as humanistic psychology teaches. Reading 2nd Peter 3:10, looking ahead to the conclusion of the Millennium, everything will be dissolved and renovated by fire, resulting in a new heaven and a new earth like no other. Brother Swaggart says man needs to get ready; all will stand before Him as Savior or as judge.
P&W Leader:
B.J .Pons
I Get Joy When I Think About
He’s Done So Much For Me
Jesus I’ll Never Forget
The Goodness Of God
Through The Blood Into Your Presence
Grace Brumley
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me
Come And Go With Me
Amazing Grace
Up Next in 2022
Wednesday Evening Service - July 6th,...
Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Tonight at Family Worship Center Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Revelation 20:4-10, discussing the Resurrection of the just and the 2nd Resurrection of the unjust. This 2nd resurrection will be a thousand years following th...
Wednesday Evening Service - June 29th...
Satan is, and was, a defeated foe. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 20:1; studying the time that Satan will be bound for a thousand years. God has built His church these last 2,000 years and has allowed Satan to tempt and try believers. I...
Wednesday Evening Service - June 22nd...
HE IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS- Half of Jerusalem will fall in the Battle of Armageddon, and hundreds of thousands will die. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel read Revelation 19:15-16. Jesus Christ will return in His Second Coming and will destroy ...