Wednesday Night Service
7 Seasons
The SonLife Broadcasting Network features the Family Worship Center Church services, a multi-cultural, non-denominational congregation. Drawing congregants from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, social backgrounds and classes, this unique Church offers an opportunity for everyone to feel welcome and a part of something very special. The state of the art facility provides opportunity for an interactive experience which allows the viewer to feel like they were right there with the other congregants. Services include both music and messages that are sure to reach out and lift up the viewer and give them hope and inspiration in a much needed way. Numerous people view the services live on a weekly basis and consider these services as their home church. With a continuous compliment of ministers and speakers, Family Worship Center Live will always bring an assortment of style and content sure to keep the viewers attention.
Wednesday Evenng Service - Dec. 30th, 2020
Episode 48
He came as the Lamb of God, raised many from the dead, and after three days and three nights, He Himself rose from the dead. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:1-4, and the revelation of Jesus Christ given to John. Brother Swaggart says the words of the Holy Spirit, throug...
Wednesday Evening Service - Dec. 16th, 2020
Episode 1
Verily I say unto you, I know you not. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:1. Brother Swaggart says we are living in the time of the Laodicean church, a backslidden church. The Holy Spirit, through John, gives messages for the seven churches of Asia. Brother Swagg...
Wednesday Evening Services - Dec. 9th, 2020
Episode 2
We need the presence of the Lord. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 22:14-15, and how God closes out the canon of scripture with an altar call. He lists sin by name. Sin is the problem of mankind, and Jesus atoned for all sin at the Cross. If we confess our sins, ...
Wednesaday Evening Service - Dec. 2nd, 2020
Episode 3
There is no victory outside of the Cross. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the biggest problem of humanity with regards to spirituality, that being, a works based religion. In Revelation chapter twenty-two verse fourteen, scripture says, blessed are they who do His Commandmen...
Wednesday Evening Service - Nov. 25th, 2020
Episode 4
Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the last words of the thief on the Cross as they read Revelation 22:11. Brother Swaggart says it is never too late to ask the Lord to forgive us on this side of death; but be sure, after death...
Wedneday Evening Service - Nov. 18th, 2020
Episode 5
Blessed is he who keeps the sayings of the prophecies of this book, for the time is at hand. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the Book of Revelation. Are you ready to meet the Lord in the sky? The Lord Jesus is coming back in power and might. Brother Swaggart says how glor...
Wednesday Evening Service - Nov. 11th, 2020
Episode 6
If only we believe, thus sayeth the Lord. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 22:6, and how beautiful the New Jerusalem will be, built with streets of gold, jewels and gates of pearls. By the grace of God, we will see this heavenly city, because we have been born agai...
Wednesday Evening Service - Nov. 4th, 2020
Episode 7
There will be healing for the nations, and children will be born in the image of God. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the beauty of the New Jerusalem as it comes down to earth. All will be similar to how things were in the Garden of Eden before the Fall of Adam and Eve; when...
Wednesday Evening Service - Oct 28th, 2020
Episode 8
God has need of nothing, but all have need of God. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the glory and presence of God. Reading in Revelation 21:22, Brother Swaggart says the Temple in the New Jerusalem will be unlike the previous temple on earth. There will be a pure river of t...
Wednesday Evening Service - Oct. 21st, 2020
Episode 9
BY GRACE, THROUGH FAITH- Are you finding this fight of faith to be harder than you first thought? Pastor Loren Larson preaches from Ephesians 2:1-10. He encourages us that this is a fight of faith, but we have God fighting for us. He reminds, while Satan is doing his best to destroy our fait...
Wednesdat Evening Service - Oct. 14th, 2020
Episode 10
HE IS PREPARING A PLACE FOR US- Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the preparations underway on our behalf. Studying Revelation 21:12-15, we see God’s culture in heaven, where all believers will one day be. Brother Larson says sinful man doesn’t often realize just how much our...
Wednesday Evening Service - Oct. 7th, 2020
Episode 11
GOD’s GLORY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the radiance of God’s glory, reading from Revelation 21:9-12. As John depicts the great Holy City, in all its beauty, and Holy Jerusalem descending down to earth; referencing the Lamb’s Bride which attributes everything being made possible...
Wednesday Evening Service - Sep. 30th, 2020
Episode 12
He who sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. The speaker here is God Almighty, Brother Swaggart says, you can’t get any higher than that. Tonight the panel discusses Revelation 21:5-7. We are encouraged, because we can see what God is preparing for His children. Brother Sw...
Wednesday Evening Service - Sep 23rd, 2020
Episode 13
We see heaven and hell placed side by side in Revelation, Chapter 20 and Chapter 21,. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel read from Revelation 21:1-7. Delving into the perfection of heaven, Brother Swaggart says, God told John to write it down. John saw the Holy City, a New Jerusalem; so beauti...
Wednesday Evening Service - Sep. 16th, 2020
Episode 14
The curse will be removed, all impurities will be gone; we won’t even recognize it. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the new heaven and the new earth. In Revelation 21:1, we learn of the cleansing by fire that will take place as the old heaven and earth will be no more. Brother Larso...
Wednesday Evening Service - Sep. 9th, 2020
Episode 15
Good works put before the Lord will only be vanity at the Great White Throne Judgment. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel tonight discuss Revelation 20:11. The panel warns that man must know the seriousness of unbelief and what awaits. All will stand before the Lord one day, and we must not i...
Wednesday Evening Service - Sep. 2nd, 2020
Episode 16
Jesus is the only answer. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Vietnam Veteran, Dave Roever. Brother Roever, shares his testimony of how the Lord spared his life after nearly being killed while serving as a Brown Water Black Beret, a riverboat gunner for the Navy Seals. Br...
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 26th, 2020
Episode 17
ONE MORE ALTAR CALL- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the topic of whosoever will; that being, take of the water of life freely. The panel reads from Revelation 20 verse five. They warn that hell is real, and there are no second chances. Brother Swaggart says you must ask yourself i...
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 19th, 2020
Episode 18
I’m on my way to heaven, because of the Cross. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss heaven, and the first resurrection of the just; or also known, as the rapture. Looking into Revelation 20:4-6, Brother Swaggart encourages how blessed and holy is he that participates in this resu...
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug 12th, 2020
Episode 19
The comforter abides with me, none like Him can heal our soul’s diseases, no not one, no not one. Darkness was great in the time of prideful Lucifer wanting to be God; be assured, Satan’s evil powers are just as hard at work today. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Revelations 20:1-3, ...
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 5th, 2020
Episode 20
SATAN THE ADVERSARY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how Satan was originally created to be the most beautiful angel, gifted with music untold, and was to give God glory. But in his pride, he used his knowledge and gift to try and become God himself. He used his gift of music to dec...
Wednesday Evenng Service - Jul. 29th, 2020
Episode 21
Satan hates hearing praises going up to Jesus Christ. Satan could have chosen to worship God, but he wanted to be God. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss what the Apostle Paul called a Mystery. He offers the question, so many have asked, why did God not stop Satan? Like man, Satan too...
Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 22nd, 2020
Episode 22
THE PROPHECY AGAINST GOG: THE SLAUGHTER OF GOG’S ARMY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Ezekiel 39:1, and set the stage with the prophecy of Ezekiel against the antichrist(GOG) some 2500 years ago. Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton, Florida joins the panel ton...
Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 15th, 2020
Episode 23
I was wounded in the house of my friends. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the rejection of Christ. There are so many similarities between our current world’s delusions, and the deception of Satan during the time of the antichrist and the great tribulation, just before the Battle of ...