Wednesday Night Service

Wednesday Night Service

7 Seasons

The SonLife Broadcasting Network features the Family Worship Center Church services, a multi-cultural, non-denominational congregation. Drawing congregants from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, social backgrounds and classes, this unique Church offers an opportunity for everyone to feel welcome and a part of something very special. The state of the art facility provides opportunity for an interactive experience which allows the viewer to feel like they were right there with the other congregants. Services include both music and messages that are sure to reach out and lift up the viewer and give them hope and inspiration in a much needed way. Numerous people view the services live on a weekly basis and consider these services as their home church. With a continuous compliment of ministers and speakers, Family Worship Center Live will always bring an assortment of style and content sure to keep the viewers attention.

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Wednesday Night Service
  • Wednesday Evening Service - June 30th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Church be ready, there is a great move of the Holy Spirit to come; and the Lord is coming back for a glorious church, full of faith. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swagggart and panel discuss Revelation 7:7-17, and the coming rapture of the church. The panel explains how the Holy Spirit will not leav...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - June 23rd, 2021

    Episode 0

    MAINTAINING FAITH THROUGH FAILURE— Every believer, at some point, fails. Tonight Pastor Loren Larson preaches from Ephesians 2:1-10. Brother Larson says, even the Apostle Peter swore he would never fail the Lord, but he did. Believers will be sifted as wheat. The Lord told Peter, when you do...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - June 16th, 2021

    Episode 0

    FOR THE GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH WILL COME— Why will God do this? Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Revelation 6:17. Dr. Gray says, while God is a God of love, there will come this time of the Great Tribulation where His justice must show forth in a reckoning over the rebel...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - June 9th, 2021

    Episode 0

    It will be like old time warfare that hasn’t been seen as furious since the Cross. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 6:12-17. Here we see the opening of the six seal by Christ, with the first earthquake of several, with the moon looking full of blood, and meteors fa...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - June 2nd, 2021

    Episode 0

    This day, you shall be with Me in paradise. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the seven seals; these are the first judgments coming upon this earth in the very near future, reading from Revelation 6:7-13. When His judgment of sin comes on this earth, believers will have alread...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 26th, 2021

    Episode 0

    COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE— Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel read from Rev 6:3, with Christ opening the 2nd seal; as all events on earth are decided first in heaven. Brother Swaggart reminds of the story of Joseph some 3700 years ago, where Joseph explains Pharaoh’s dream of the ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 19th, 2021

    Episode 0

    COME AND SEE— Tonight Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 6:1-4; laying out the opening of the first seal by the risen, Crucified Christ. Following the rapture of the church, those that remain will see the event of the coming Great Tribulation. It cannot be avoided. The Antichrist wil...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 12th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel encourage believers to pray for Israel as several days of unrest continue in the Middle East. Brother Josh says there can only be a one state solution with one capitol, that being Jerusalem. The Muslim world has 100 times the land as Israel, with hund...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 5th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Who is worthy? Only Christ. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 5:8-12. Jesus takes the book and opens the seals; this is the beginning of judgment on those who rejected Jesus Christ. The Lord’s wrath will be poured out during the seven years of the great tribulatio...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 28th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Stood a Lamb as it had been slain typifies what Christ did on Calvary’s Cross— Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 5:6. God reveals to John, the book of the seven seals, telling what He will do, and how He is worthy to be praised. John saw Christ as He had been slai...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr, 21st, 2021

    Episode 0

    Redeemed, redeemed, redeemed by the blood of the Lamb; and forever His child I am- Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 5:1-6, looking ahead to when Jesus Christ will return to this earth. Israel will make her 2nd worst mistake when she accepts the Antichrist as the Me...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 14th, 2021

    Episode 0

    The worst days of Israel are just ahead. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the time of Jacob’s woe, when Israel will accept the Antichrist as their Messiah. Reading Revelation 5:1, we see God on the throne, God the Son is present, and God the Holy Spirit inspired this writing. ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 7th, 2021

    Episode 0

    WHAT A DAY OF REJOICING THAT WILL BE— When we get to heaven, we will see the throne of God and streets of gold; so get ready! Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss how God is not limited to time; past, present, or future, reading in Revelation 4:1-11. Brother Swaggart says in heav...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar 24th, 2021

    Episode 0

    It won’t be long until the trump sounds. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome special guest Pastor/Missionary Italo Frigoli all the way from Las Palmas, Spain. The panel discusses Revelation 3:14-17, looking at the Laodicean church and how the church today is living in this time ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 10th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Emperors have come and gone, but the Cross still stands. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss God’s power, and total and complete control over all things; addressing the death of Jesus on the Cross to His Resurrection. We are in the last church age, as of the Laodicean church, wi...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 3rd, 2021

    Episode 0

    PUT ON THE GARMENT OF PRAISE— Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 2:1-5, looking at the seven churches of Asia. The Apostle Paul began laying the foundation in Ephesus, setting the tone for the early church. The Lord recognized the work and labor of the early church,...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 24th, 2021

    Episode 0

    A remnant of praying Christian’s is holding back the tides of darkness. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the seven churches of the end times, reading in Revelation 1:19-20 and Revelation 2:1. Brother Swaggart says despite the complacency and persecution of the church, a harve...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 10th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Fear not; I am the first and the last, I am He who lives. These are the words of Christ to John, as He appears to him on the Isle of Patmos. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:12-18, as the Lord told John to write what He saw in a Book. These scriptures address t...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 3th, 2021

    Episode 0

    The work of God must go on. Tonight Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:4-6, looking at the entirety of the church age, through the seven churches of Asia; depicted by the Holy Spirit through John. Brother Donnie says while many in the church today are as the church of Laodice...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jan. 27th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Constantly praise God with a heart of love. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Pastor Joe Peterson from Christ Church in Palm Harbor Florida. The panel discusses Revelation 1:9-10, and the latter years of the Apostle John, on the Island of Patmos. Scripture says...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jan. 20th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Because He rose, we will rise. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:4-8. Brother Swaggart encourages us that we are over-comers by simple faith in Christ and His finished work on the Cross. We must not rely on self. Verse five reminds us of His obedience, and His ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jan. 13th, 2021

    Episode 0

    Desperation precedes revelation. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:4; the Holy Spirit, through John writes to the seven churches of Asia. As the church, we are called out of the world to Christ. Brother Swaggart says the Lord wants all believers, through faith in...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jan. 6th, 2021

    Episode 1

    Be encouraged believer, God is preparing His people for a great moving of the Holy Spirit. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 1:4. Just as the Lord told Samuel to quit mourning over the disobedience of the people, and to fill his horn with oil and go, Christians mus...