I’VE GOT A MANSION JUST OVER THE HILLTOP- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 21:1-4, laying out the events following the Kingdom Age. There will be a cleansing by fire and the production of a new heaven and a new earth. This will be a time of perfect relationship with the Lord, with perfect righteousness. There will be a New Jerusalem, an astounding city; it will be 1,500 miles high, 1,500 miles wide, and 1,500 miles long. It will be a city filled with the peace of God. God will change His headquarters from planet heaven to planet earth. As for now, man tries to protect and perfect the earth, or “save it”; Brother Swaggart says God alone will do this.
Up Next in 2022
Wednesday Evening Service - July 13th...
The books will be opened revealing the hearts of men. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Revelation 20:11-15 discussing the judgment to come. At the Great White Throne Judgment, all the unredeemed will be there. When man looks to psychology for the answe...
Wednesday Evening Service - July 6th,...
Whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Tonight at Family Worship Center Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Revelation 20:4-10, discussing the Resurrection of the just and the 2nd Resurrection of the unjust. This 2nd resurrection will be a thousand years following th...
Wednesday Evening Service - June 29th...
Satan is, and was, a defeated foe. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Revelation 20:1; studying the time that Satan will be bound for a thousand years. God has built His church these last 2,000 years and has allowed Satan to tempt and try believers. I...