Every false way of salvation will be judged. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss Revelation 19:1-6. They shout Alleluia, and they fall down and worship over the victory; we too have victory now, in salvation. Worship and praise go up for the victory won by Jesus Christ, because of the destruction of the literal city of Babylon. Brother Swaggart says Christ is coming back after a glorious church, washed in the blood of the lamb. David said I will praise the Lord at all times. Satan can’t stand praises to the Lord. Prayer and praise will ward off all the evil attempts of Satan. King Jesus will soon take the throne in Jerusalem during the Kingdom Age; He will reign forever.
P&W Leader:
Jill Swaggart
Let The Fire Fall
I Need You More
Jesus Lover Of My Soul
Love Held My Savior To The Tree
Joseph Larson
I Never Shall Forget The Day
During Message:
Our God Reigns