A Study In The Word - Nov. 30th, 2020
A Study In The Word
There is no real favor towards Israel anywhere in the world today, with the exception of the United States. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 2:41-42, as scripture depicts the ten nations that will rise up with the Antichrist against Israel in the old Roman empire region. Brother Swaggart reminds that the land is Israel's and has been for some 3500 years. The panel discusses the contradiction of Communism with regards to the rich and the poor; where socialism destroys the middle class, which could give people leverage to rise up out of lower economic areas to become more equal. Brother Swaggart reminds that Democracy doesn’t work in a non-Christian society. The church needs to take responsibility for not turning out more believers who are anchored in the Word of God. You cannot build a democracy outside of the bible.
Up Next in A Study In The Word
A Study In The Word - Nov. 27th, 2020
In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Babylon was represented as a head of gold; meaning riches and power. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the second chapter of Daniel and the time leading up to the fall of Babylon under king Belshazzar as he forsook the ways of the Lord, ...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 26th, 2020
I will heal their land. We need more churches that model the Book of Acts. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the power of the Holy Spirit, and the lack of His moving in churches today, that are not preaching the true Gospel. Brother Larson sees a connection to th...
A Study In The Word - Nov. 25th, 2020
A stone was cut out without hands. Today on A Study In The Word, Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 2:33-34, and Daniel’s interpretation of the king’s dream. Daniel outlines the successive kingdoms with a representation of precious metals, then iron and clay. Brother John says that depr...