Crossfire Services

Crossfire Services

SBN features several programs for youth and young adults with Pastor Gabriel Swaggart. Crossfire Live is a broadcast taken from our live youth service. This allows our viewers to experience these services just as if they were a member of the youth group.

Crossfire Services
  • Crossfire Services - Dec. 8th, 2022

    THAT YOUR LOVE MAY ABOUND MORE AND MORE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Colton Pemberton reads Philippians 1:3-11;I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. We have a confidence in Christ to be thankful for. He began a good work in us and will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. It’s a ...

  • Crossfire Services - Nov. 24th, 2022

    MY SHEPHERD IN DARK TIMES- This very life, from beginning to end, is the valley of the shadow of death. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Psalms 23:1-6. He shares how we see death looming over all of humanity because of Adam’s fall in the garden. Paul taught of the perilous times t...

  • Crossfire Services - Nov. 10th, 2022

    LET IT RAIN- I will pour My Spirit upon your seed. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Shaun Murphy reads Isaiah 44:1-4, asking who is thirsty? Ancient Israel plowed the ground; put in seed, and cried out to God, Lord we need rain. When the rain stops the food stops, when the food stops, livestock st...

  • Crosssfire Services - Nov. 3rd, 2022

    WHAT IS GOD’S PURPOSE FOR AMERICA?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Acts 1:6-8. It is not for us to know the times and the seasons, which the Father has put in His Own power. But you shall receive power; it’s not for you and I to know when, but this is what we do need to know, Hi...

  • Crossfire Services - Oct, 27th, 2022

    WHAT’S YOUR PRICE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 10:17-22. What could Satan give to you that would keep you from giving your whole life and following Jesus? What’s your price? In these verses, Jesus is exposing this rich man. It’s not about him giving up his mone...

  • Crossfire Services - Oct. 13th, 2022

    A CRISIS OF FAITH- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 8:14-21 and 27-30. Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? and do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? Pastor Paris prea...

  • Crossfire Services - Oct. 6th, 2022

    THE FAMILY OF GOD- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 3:19-21 and 31-35. Traveling through the Gospels, we learn who it is we worship, who we serve, who we love, who we adore? Christ’s life is found in these Gospels. Everything He did, everything He said, how He acte...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 29th, 2022

    THE RIVER OF GOD IS FLOWING, STEP IN- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Ezekiel 47:1-10, teaching on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Ezekiel saw this vision, with this great river, flowing out during what will be during the Millennial Reign of Christ. This powerful river...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 22nd. 2022

    WHAT IS THIS? A NEW TEACHING WITH AUTHORITY!- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 1:27-28, looking at the kingdom authority of the Messiah. Jesus has authority over every single thing that plagues our lives. Jesus has complete and total control. The very first demonstr...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 8th, 2022

    JESUS THE SAVIOR-THE SON OF GOD- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 1:1-13 as he walks us through these writings and the emphasis the Holy Spirit puts on Mark’s heart. We see Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God. He obediently suffers as a servant to pay the ransom for ...

  • Crossfire Services - Aug 25th, 2022

    DO YOU KNOW WHO JESUS IS?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Matthew 16:13-19; sharing how each gospel writer has something unique to say about the person of Jesus. In Matthew, the healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is recorded; Mark says that He raised her up by the hand. Ma...

  • Crossfire Services - Aug. 4th, 2022

    GO DOWN TO THE POTTER’S HOUSE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Jeremiah 18:1-6, teaching on God’s will for our lives. The Lord wants to renovate our hearts and give us zeal to do His will; that will, is to find us reaching the lost for Jesus Christ. Living for God in the ...

  • Crossfire Servces - July 28th, 2022

    TELL ME MORE ABOUT HIM- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Tanner Kratzer preaches on Genesis 24:58-61. Here we find Abraham sending Eleazar to go and find Isaac a wife; he finds Rebekah. Abraham is a type of the Father, God the Father. Isaac is a type of Jesus Christ, and the servant, and Eleazar i...

  • Crossfire Services - July 21st, 2022

    WAKE UP, YOU’VE OVERSLEPT- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Romans 13:11-14, and that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. Pastor Paris preaches how believers must be awakened to the reality of the...

  • Crossfire Services - July 7th, 2022

    PREPARING SPIRIT EMPOWERED WITNESSES- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Acts 1:8. "You will be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem,” and Baton Rouge, “and in all of Judea, and East Baton Rouge Parish, “and In Samaria,” in the State of Louisiana, “and unto the uttermost parts...

  • Crossfire Services - June 30th, 2022

    WE ARE SLAVES TO RIGHTEOUSNESS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 6:15-23. He shares the Old Testament story of Hosea and Gomer, and how it depicts the love of God giving His Son on our behalf when we were undeserving. Though we are not in a Covenant with the Mosaic La...

  • Crossfire Services - June 23th, 2022

    FOLLOW THE ARK- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Shaun Murphy preaches from Joshua 3:1-4, explaining the importance of the Ark of the Covenant. It was a chest of pure gold that contained a rod that budded miraculously, Aaron’s rod. It contained manna that God gave from heaven, and it contained the t...

  • Crossfire Services - June 9th, 2022

    DON’T QUIT- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from John 21:6-7, 15-19 sharing the humble beginnings of the Apostle Peter, a lowly fisherman. When Peter saw the great multitude of fish in his net and realized the miracle Jesus just performed, he responded “I am a sinful man, get a...

  • Crossfire Services - May 26th, 2022

    SET FREE BY THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS- Today at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 6:15-18. What then? Shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; ...

  • Crossfire Services - May 12th, 2022

    THE GREATEST MIRACLE- The greatest miracle is to take a black, sinful heart and wash that stony heart in the blood of Jesus and make it white as snow. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan says our salvation is a true miracle of great proportion teaching from Numbers 33:55-56 and Romans 6:12-...

  • Crossfire Services - May 5th, 2022

    IDENTIFIED WITH JESUS’ FINISHED WORK- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 6:8-11 and Mark 10:38-39. In Israel of that day, there were many different thoughts about how the Messiah was going to come, and how He was going to restore Israel and give her freedom from her op...

  • Crossfire Services - Apr. 7th, 2022

    THE DEAD ARE FREE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 6:2-7, looking at the righteousness of God that is contained within what Jesus Christ did at Calvary. We were given a righteous standard through the Law of Moses. Jesus not only fulfilled that, but He became a grea...

  • Crossfire Services - Mar. 31st, 2022

    COMMITTED TO THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads from Mark 14: 32-36 preaching on the will of God for the life of every believer.
    There are specific things that God wants to do in every believer, and it’s concealed and private between God and the individual....

  • Crossfire Services - Mar. 24th, 2022

    THE SIN NATURE IS DETHRONED BY GRACE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 4:20 and Romans 6:1; moreover the law entered, that the offense might abound, but where sin abounded, grace did much more abound. Sin is the deadliest force in the world today that is going to thr...