Sunday Morning Service - March 2nd, 2025
Family Worship Center Sunday Morning Service
CHAIRS OF POWER- Who or what sits on the throne in your life? Today at Family Worship Center, Guest Evangelist John Maasbach from The Blessing Church in The Hague, Netherlands teaches from Esther 3:1-2. We learn so much from the story of Mordecai and Esther who keep their faith in God, despite Haman’s desire to kill all the Jews in the Persian Empire. Mordecai would not bow to Haman who was second in command to the King. Brother Maasbach shares how in faith, like Esther, we must seek the Lord to lead us out of our own perils in life. Esther showed patience and waited on the Lord for her strategies to win the King’s favor and stop Haman’s plan with his very own death; and additionally, the Jews defeated all the enemies that rose up against them. When we position our faith in Christ, and in obedience to His will, we too are victorious over sin and every power of darkness.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Sunday Morning Service
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