Wednesday Evening Service - Sep. 9th, 2020
Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
Good works put before the Lord will only be vanity at the Great White Throne Judgment. Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel tonight discuss Revelation 20:11. The panel warns that man must know the seriousness of unbelief and what awaits. All will stand before the Lord one day, and we must not ignore the reality that many will not make heaven. Brother Swaggart says all things are written down in the books of God. Believers names will be found in the Lamb’s book of Life; for those who never gave their hearts to the Lord, they will stand before God at the Great White Throne Judgment. No account of good works will be accepted by God, as the gates of heaven, for the unbeliever, will not open. All there, will ultimately be thrown into the Lake Of Fire. The only thing standing between mankind and eternal hell is the Cross of Christ. Jesus paid the price for the sin of man that ALL may enter in.
Up Next in Family Worship Center Wednesday Night Service
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Jesus is the only answer. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Vietnam Veteran, Dave Roever. Brother Roever, shares his testimony of how the Lord spared his life after nearly being killed while serving as a Brown Water Black Beret, a riverboat gunner for the Navy Seals. Br...
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 26th...
ONE MORE ALTAR CALL- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss the topic of whosoever will; that being, take of the water of life freely. The panel reads from Revelation 20 verse five. They warn that hell is real, and there are no second chances. Brother Swaggart says you must ask yourself i...
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I’m on my way to heaven, because of the Cross. Tonight Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss heaven, and the first resurrection of the just; or also known, as the rapture. Looking into Revelation 20:4-6, Brother Swaggart encourages how blessed and holy is he that participates in this resu...