Frances & Friends
9 Seasons
Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and answer segments in each show. Frances and Friends currently has the largest audience on the SonLife Radio network.
1:41:16Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Nov. 3rd, 2017
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today’s program as they discuss politics and current events, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:42:59Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Nov. 1st, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel discuss current events as well as answering your emails and phone calls on today’s program.
1:43:39Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 31st, 2017
Episode 0
On today’s program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:43:46Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 30th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today’s program.
1:44:33Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 27th, 2017
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today’s program as they discuss politics and current events.
1:43:55Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 26th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today’s program.
1:45:35Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 25th, 2017
Episode 0
On today’s program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:36:38Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 24th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel continue their discussion on suicide, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:36:09Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 23rd, 2017
Episode 0
Brother Dave Smith and Jim Nations join Sister Frances on today's program, as they discuss suicide, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:39:15Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 20th, 2017
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss politics and current events as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:39:33Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 19th, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:43:20Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 18th, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:42:56Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 11th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:45:39Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 4th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:42:52Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Oct. 3rd, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel discuss the shooting in Vegas, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:45:22Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 29th, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:33:39Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 28th, 2017
Episode 0
Brother Gilbert Lindsay, Michael Lindsay, Ben Cohen, and Bishop David Azenabor join Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss Bible distribution.
1:43:16Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 27th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:44:54Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 26th, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:36:41Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 22nd, 2017
Episode 0
John Rosenstern joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss politics and current events as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:32:12Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 21st, 2017
Episode 0
On today's program, Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls.
1:45:02Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 20th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel answer and discuss your emails and phone calls on today's program.
1:35:25Episode 0
Francs & Friends - Sep. 12th, 2017
Episode 0
Sister Frances and the panel discuss the gifts of the Spirit, as well as answering your emails and phone calls.
1:43:26Episode 0
Frances & Friends - Sep. 11th, 2017
Episode 0
Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin joins Sister Frances and the panel on today's program, as they discuss Army and Politics.