Frances & Friends

Frances & Friends

9 Seasons

Frances and Friends is hosted by Frances Swaggart. The Frances and Friends live broadcast is a talk-show format that deals with current events, doctrinal questions and information relevant to the viewer today. With a panel of Bible teachers, ministers, scholars and advisers, the program includes guest interviews, book reviews, news information and allows audience participation with question and answer segments in each show. Frances and Friends currently has the largest audience on the SonLife Radio network.

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Frances & Friends
  • Frances and Friends - July 30th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel answer questions about demon spirits, which are directed by Satan. In the Millennial reign, Satan and all his evil spirits will be cast into the bottomless pit until the thousand years is fulfilled. After that, they will be loosed for a sho...

  • Frances and Friends - July 29th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the world in which we live, which is full of demon powers and witchcraft all about us, but the power believers have of the Holy Spirit is greater. The panel discusses what is to come in the rapture with the first resurrection of sai...

  • Frances and Friends - July 24th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel welcome special guests Pastors Angelo and Kimara Parker from Faith Family Worship Center in Richmond Virginia. The Parkers have brought some forty young people to attend our JSM International Youth Conference that begins tonight. T...

  • Frances and Friends - July 23rd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss Israel today and Israel’s boundaries laid out in the Bible. Israel existed as a nation in the land of Canaan until 70 A.D.
    Israel today is backslidden, but the land, and the people are still God’s. God knows exactly what He has pl...

  • Frances and Friends - July 22nd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel welcome special guest Evangelist and Vietnam Purple Heart recipient, Dave Roever and his wife Beth Ann, and Dan Dang with the Roever Evangelistic Association. Brother Roever shares his amazing story of survival after an enemy sniper ...

  • Frances and Friends - July 17th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the latest on the Republican National Convention and the recent assassination attempt on Presidential candidate Donald Trump and his below par security team. Brother Dupree says it is amazing the many buildings that were not secure ...

  • Frances and Friends - July 12th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swagggart and panel discuss President Biden’s performance at his hour long press conference and his slips that again contribute to concern over his current competency, let alone serving for another four years. Looking at the ongoing Russia Ukraine war, we see...

  • Frances and Friends - July 11th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss physical and verbal abuse within a marriage and what God says about it, and does abuse warrant grounds for divorce. Biblically, divorce is allowed when there is fornication or abandonment; at times, abuse can fall into the category ...

  • Frances and Friends - July 10th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the saving and delivering power of the Lord. Brother John and Brother Mike share their testimonies of deliverance from tobacco. The panel goes on to explain the power that comes as well when we begin to learn and understand the Word...

  • Frances and Friends - July 9th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss what is the proper place for discussing politics within church or on a platform such as SBN; should politics and government be discussed? The panel says these are moral issues that need to be addressed. Dr. Grays says even John the...

  • Frances and Friends - July, 8th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today of Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the evidence that confirms God physically walking with Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter three. From this scripture alone, we see the lesson we can learn from this passage, which is that God wants to have a close relationship with His...

  • Frances and Friends - July 5th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss how a US Superintendent has order the Bible to be studied in every Oklahoma classroom as a study of American history. Brother Jonathan says this is a perfect reason why every American should get out and vote, for this man was voted ...

  • Frances and Friends - July 3rd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss sin in a believer’s life and what God thinks about it looking at 1st Corinthians 8:11, explaining a weak conscience. Brother Donnie says there is a time when first converted where we are babes in Christ, and the Apostle Paul warns b...

  • Frances and Friends - July 2nd, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the last days and the judgment of God, and how it will unfold as we draw nearer to the Lord’s return. Reading Romans 8:22, the panel explains the groans and travailing spoken of here in God’s Word and how everything has been ...

  • Frances and Friends - June 28th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the 2024 Presidential debate and the lack there of. Brother Donnie says, the debates are supposed to present both candidates’ positions on policy and the issues. With today’s platforms, voting for the Democratic Party is vot...

  • Frances and Friends - June 27th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the victory that is found in a believer’s life when we anchor our faith in the finished work of Christ. The panel explains the Apocrypha bible books that were added by the Roman Catholic Church, but not included in the canon ...

  • Frances and Friends - June 26th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss the history of tattoos and what the Bible says about them. The Bible says our bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, and we should treat it accordingly; however, just because someone has a tattoo, it does not mean they wo...

  • Frances and Friends - June 25th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel begin the program leading a viewer in the Sinner’s Prayer as they emailed in asking to be saved. The panel explains why the Book of Isaiah may sound like it has multiple authors, but it does not. Pastor Muzzerall explains how when t...

  • Frances and Friends - June 24th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel discuss forgiveness and how to handle offenses, and what are the Christian requirements mentioned in Matthew 18:15-16? Forgiveness does not mean you condone wrongdoing, but it puts the matter in the hands of the Lord, and God can han...

  • Frances and Friends - June 19th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel answer the question, why in the rapture do the dead in Christ rise first before those believers who are still alive? Those who have died, before the rapture, already have their souls and spirits with the Lord; now, they will receive ...

  • Frances and Friends - June 14th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel explain the Bible verse, My grace is sufficient for you; God calls us to depend on the Lord in every difficult situation throughout our lives. The panel looks in depth at the 10-year defense agreement that NATO is currently discussing in th...

  • Frances and Friends - June 13th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss suicide, which is self-murder in God’s eyes. The panel discusses those who take their own lives, many thinking they will get to heaven sooner to see lost family members who have gone on before them. Brother Muzzerall explains how o...

  • Frances and Friends - June 12th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel encourage believers that the many tests and trials that come our way are for our good, to help us to grow in our faith. Jesus Himself said, be of good cheer, for He has overcome the world. Our peace comes through Jesus and what He did on C...

  • Frances and Friends - June 11th, 2024

    Episode 0

    Today on Frances and Friends, Pastor Donnie Swaggart and panel read 1 Thessalonians 2:15 discussing how the Jews pressured Pilot and the Romans to kill Jesus. Brother Muzzerall adds, it is not just the Jews and the Romans who killed Christ, but the sin of all mankind that nailed Christ to the Cr...