Frances and Friends - November 26th, 2024
Frances & Friends
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss President Trump’s recent profession to forgive his enemies particularly in the media so that the country can go forward in healing. Brother Muzzerall says changes need to be made with regards to the handling of those who have literally broken the law to do Trump wrong. The panel discusses the importance of tithing and doing the work of the Lord. A caller asks the panel to explain how the soul and spirit of a believer, who has died, is eternal and goes to be with the Lord. Brother Donnie says the person will be in the form of a human, but with no flesh and blood. The soul and spirit will one day be reunited with their glorified body when Christ returns to rapture His church.
Up Next in Frances & Friends
Frances and Friends - November 25th,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss hungering and thirsting for the Lord, and answer many questions about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The panel encourages believers to read the Book of Acts to understand more about receiving this wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit....
Frances and Friends - November 21st,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel discuss the role of the Apostle, and how it is a God appointed position with a great anointing, as an apostle will likely have all the nine gifts of the spirit working in their lives. Pastor Gray says very few people have these credentials ...
Frances and Friends - November 20th,...
Today on Frances and Friends, Sister Swaggart and panel read Revelation 16:18-19 as they look at God’s judgment and discuss some of the results of the Fall of Man as we are in the last of the last days. The panel discusses bible prophecy and warns believers to be careful of the many false prophe...