Generation of the Cross

Generation of the Cross

Generation of the Cross is a live, interactive Bible Study program hosted by Gabe Swaggart, with a panel of other youth workers and ministers. Using the Bible as their foundation, they will address social issues, current events, and life situations that would impact today’s teenager. Click here to view archived programs in this series.

Generation of the Cross
  • Generation Of The Cross - July 17th, 2021

    FWC FAMILY CAMP— Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Paris Ragan, Shaun Murphy, Jonathan Steele, and David Watts laying out the plans for the upcoming, first ever, FWC Family Camp combining the the annual kid’s camp and the international youth conference to...

  • The Generation Of The Cross - July 10th, 2021

    WE ARE SAVED BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH— Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Adam Denoon discussing the question the Apostle Paul proposed to the church of Ephesus in Ephesians 2:8-10. Paul was addressing the problems in the church of that day. ...

  • Generation Of The Cross - July 3rd, 2021

    HERE TODAY GONE TOMORROW— Too many Christians lose their way, because they do not understand proper faith, and the truth that the Word of God holds. Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dr. David Watts. Pastor Gabe encourages all believers to...

  • Generation Of The Cross - June 26th, 2021

    NOT OF OURSELVES, BUT ALL IS OF HIM— Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Insight host, Josh Rosenstern reading from Ephesians 2:8-10 discussing grace, looking at salvation by faith and not of works. The Apostle Paul destroys the idea of being saved by self...

  • Generation Of The Cross - June 12th, 2021

    JESUS SAID IF I BE LIFTED UP, I’LL DRAW ALL MEN— Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor and Crossfire Youth Pastor Paris Ragan and Crossfire Associate Pastor Shaun Murphy discussing the Book of Ephesians. Pastor Gabe says the Apostle Paul’s wri...

  • Generation Of The Cross - June 5th, 2021

    DO WE PLEASE MEN OR DO WE PLEASE GOD?— Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dr. Dave Watts. The two update us on the progress with the bible college accreditation, and assure us that this accreditation in no way will change what is being taug...

  • Generation Of The Cross - May 29th, 2021

    Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Crossfire youth pastor, Paris Ragan, and JSBC Professors, Dr. David Watts, and Adam DeNoon discussing the differences between the Old and New Testament. The New Testament authors drew the meanings of the Old Testament int...

  • Generation Of The Cross - May 22nd, 2021

    Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart welcomes Crossfire Youth Pastor, Paris Ragan and JSBC recruiter and professor, Dr. David Watts. The panel addresses the issues of youth ministry. Dr. Watts says, you don’t have to have rock shows or rap shows, or be sensational to gi...

  • Generation Of The Cross - May 15th, 2021

    Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart and Josh Rosenstern discuss Ephesians 2:4; but God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, even when we were dead in sins has quickened us together with Christ. This new life is imparted to us through our iden...

  • Generation Of The Cross - May 8th, 2021

    Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC professors Dr. David Watts and Adam Denoon discussing the conversion of man when God intervenes, continuing a study of Ephesians chapter two. Pastor Gabe encourages the believer to know the territory they have avail...

  • Generation Of The Cross - May 1st, 2021

    Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dr. David Watts and Shawn Murphy reading Ephesians 2:1-3. And you, has He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. We see in these first two aspects of man before conversion, he lived a life of dea...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Apr. 24th, 2021

    Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dr. David Watts, and Salvation Station youth Pastor Jonathan Steele, discussing Ephesians 2:1-3. They encourage all believers to study God’s Word and be in tune to what the Holy Spirit is truly trying to te...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Apr. 17th, 2021

    As Christians, we can’t forget where we came from. Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor, Dr. David Watts discussing the unredeemed man in Ephesians 2:1-3. Before conversion, man lived a life of death, with trespasses, sins, and disobedience u...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Apr. 10th, 2021

    God always saves the best for last. Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Josh Rosenstern, discussing Christ’s first miracle at the wedding feast where He changed water into wine. When it came down to the end of the wine, the governor of the feast was pretty...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Apr. 3rd, 2021

    Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Dr. Dave Watts and Brother Shaun Murphy discussing the Jimmy Swaggart Bible College. Doctor Watts reminds that the bible college offers a bible education for all ages with online learning for those who can’t be on campus....

  • Generation Of The Cross - Mar. 27th, 2021

    A believer’s righteousness cannot be earned. Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professors Adam Denoon and Dr. Dave Watts. Studying Ephesians 1:19, the panel continues to discuss our righteousness that is given unto us when our faith is anchored in t...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Mar. 13th, 2021

    Are you giving the Holy Spirit full reign in your life to lead you into the will of God for your life? Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professors Dr. Dave Watts and Adam Denoon discussing the power of God and how the Holy Spirit works in a believer...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Mar. 6th, 2021

    All believers have the power to live a Holy Life. Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Josh Rosenstern discussing the power of God, reading from Ephesians 1:19. Brother Gabe says unfortunately, many Christians do not have an awareness of the sin nature; mea...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Feb. 27th, 2021

    God is more. Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Matt Rogers, a Gospel singer and finalist on the 2007 American Idol program. Brother Rogers says he knows who he is In Christ and that has made all the difference in his walk. Jesus has been so misrepresent...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Feb 20th, 2021

    Do you know the power that is available to you? Today on Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professor Dr. Dave Watts and Shaun Murphy discussing Ephesians 1:19. Brother Watts shares his passion for being rooted in the study of the Word of God and welcomes the mov...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Feb. 13th, 2021

    Train up a child in the way they should go, and they shall not depart from it. That is a promise of God. Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Shaun Murphy, discussing Ephesians 1:18-19. We learn that when our hearts are enlightened to His hope we will know...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Feb. 6th, 2021

    Do you walk in the freedom and the liberty that Jesus Christ provides? Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by JSBC Professors Loren Larson and Paris Ragan. The panel discusses the value of the education offered at Jimmy Swaggart Bible College. Brother Gabe s...

  • Generation Of The Cros - Jan. 30th, 2021

    Today on The Generation of The Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart is joined by Michigan Pastor Asher Webber, of Faith Worship Center, and he is joined by JSBC Professor Dave Watts. The panel discusses the advantages of attending Jimmy Swaggart Bible College. Pastor Webber is a graduate of JSBC, and...

  • Generation Of The Cross - Jan. 23rd, 2021

    Take courage in the Lord. Today on The Generation of the Cross, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart welcomes Insight contributor, Josh Rosenstern and Michigan Pastor, Asher Webber to the program. As we move forward in 2021, Pastor Webber encourages believers that America cannot survive without Christianity...