PREACHING THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Loren Larson reads 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 reminding us of the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Corinth. Like the Corinthians, believers today need to know that our faith is to be in God and not the wisdom of men. We walk this Christian walk in what Christ has already accomplished at Calvary. When we are born again, the Holy Spirit can reveal this freeing knowledge of what we have received, at the beginning that gives victory over sin. When we truly know what salvation bought us, and maintain our position in Christ, then when we understand that value, we can understand the sanctification process. God wants us to grow up in Him, but never devalue our salvation. The Holy Spirit builds on our anchored faith in Christ, changing us into His image. Our faith in His finished work alone can deliver us and make us free from sin. He loved us and gave Himself for us.
P&W Leader:
Jill Swaggart
God’s Not Dead, He’s Still Alive
Jesus Is Alive And Well
Healing River Flow
There Is A Balm In Gilead .
After Pw:
He That The Son Has Set Free
I’m On My Way
When God Dips His Love In My Heart
Tired Of You Satan
Tara Montpetit
Message: Born Again
I Believe In A Hill Called Mount Calvary
Jesus Hold My Hand
Up Next in 2023
Apr. 5th, 2023 - 7:00pm Service
THE FIVE BLESSINGS- Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart kicks off Camp meeting 2023 with a powerful message on the blessings of God. Reading 2 Chronicles 26:16-23, he has encouragement and a warning for believers as he shares the tragic story of King Uzziah, son of Amaziah, both reigned over Judah. ...