HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE-PART TWO- Tonight at Family Worship Center, JSBC Professor Dave Watts continues his teaching on how to study the bible reading 2nd Timothy 3:16-17. We learn how to grasp the meaning of the text and the intent it had for the original audience. We then learn how to decipher how to live out these theological principles today. Dr. Watts reminds us that we are to be hearers and doers of the Word. When we study and meditate on His Word, we will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit who will empower us to be obedient to His truth as we gain more wisdom and understanding for the things of God. Brother Watts goes on to give us a list of applications to help and guide us as we study out God’s Word. This list includes such practices as looking for repetition of words in scripture, contrast and comparisons, cause and effects, figures of speech, etc.
Up Next in 2025
Sunday Evening Service - February 16...
I WILL COME AGAIN- Those, who are saved, are the children of God. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Guest Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton Florida reads John 14:1-3 teaching on our preparedness as the bride to our groom Jesus Christ. There is coming a presentation wher...
Sunday Evening Service - February 9t...
HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE- The Bible is the only book we can read that we have the author present with us. Tonight at Family Worship Center, JSBC Professor Dave Watts reads 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Joshua 1:1-9. The Holy Bible includes 66 books, where God breathed on the various authors, making eve...
Sunday Evening Service - February 2n...
UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH- Come Holy Spirit and revive your church today. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads from the Books of Matthew, Luke, and Acts teaching on God’s prescribed order for the church. Following His crucifixion, Jesus commanded His follow...