Today on Insight, John and Josh Rosenstern discuss the Senate Resolution bill known as the SB-1, the For the People Act. Brother Josh shares West Virginia Senator, Joe Manchin’s comments opposing the SB-1. Manchin believes this is the wrong legislation that will not unite our country, with regards to an overhaul of voting rights and the election process. Brother John says in the end, if this legislation passes, we will see one party dictate. Brother Josh explains a filibuster, and how the Democratic party wants to remove the filibuster process, which will eliminate the two party system as we know it, in an effort to silence the conservative. Brother John says, under the Biden Administration, we are seeing too much government overreach.
Up Next in 2021
The Message Of The Cross - June 10th,...
In Christ, believers can have freedom from guilt and peace that nothing else can bring. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the redemption of fallen humanity, the fallen sons of Adam’s lost race. The death of Christ on the Cross accomplished all that t...
The Message Of The Cross - June 9th, ...
He gave His perfection to us, and we gave Him our sin. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Isaiah 53, reading, it pleased the Lord to bruise Him. Christ bore all sin and sickness on the Cross. In the Old Covenant, after the sin had been covered by the...
The Message Of The Cross - June 8th, ...
The Cross, is one sacrifice for all men, for all sin, for all time. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss how God isn’t looking at us, He’s looking at our faith. Christians are not to be dominated by sin. Jesus Christ made a way that through our faith i...