The Message Of The Cross - Feb. 24th, 2022
The Message of The Cross
God’s method is still preaching and teaching; that is His way and we should not deviate from it. Today on The Message of the Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss the problem of sin, and God’s answer, which is properly placed faith in Christ’s finished work; this results in Holy Spirit power working on behalf of the believer. Pastors need to leave the ways of the world in their efforts to grow their congregations. The modern church growth movement has merchandised a how do we feel message. The panel discusses the small remnant of the church that is truly seeking to hear truth. Preachers must preach the Word, and be ready in season and out of season. Brother Swaggart encourages believers that there is no limit to the power of the Holy Spirit when the full counsel of God’s Word is preached; the Christian’s part is to only believe.
Up Next in The Message of The Cross
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What manner of man should we be, knowing Christ is coming back? Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss repentance and being ready for the return of Christ. Brother Ragan reminds us that we ALL are sinners, and Christ came for ALL. It’s not about what...
The Message Of The Cross - Feb. 22nd,...
God hears our prayers. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss the rest that is provided in the power of God for our salvation and sanctification. Brother Swaggart says God is watching, and waiting to pour out His blessings when His people repent, and ...
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