The Message Of The Cross - Jan. 25th, 2022
The Message of The Cross
Jesus Christ paid the price for the sin of man on Calvary’s Cross. Today on The Message of the Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and the panel discuss how this is the only way man can have victory over sin, and placing faith in anything else is spiritual adultery. Brother John says all too often believers try to address the symptoms of sin in their lives without understanding the sin nature. The Cross of Christ deals with the root of sin; the sin nature is made dormant when the believer anchors their faith in Christ’s finished work. We cannot work our way into favor with God, and creating fence laws in our lives will only result in more sinful behavior. Victory does not come by our willpower, but by the power of God through the Cross of Jesus Christ. With proper faith, we can live for God and be used by God to take His gospel to the world.
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