Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss preaching grace, with regards to the Message of the Cross. The true message of faith and grace, is centering our faith in Christ only, and what He did at the Cross; and as a result, the grace of God, the effectual work of the Holy Spirit, and the goodness of God is given to undeserving people. When a believer’s faith is anchored in the Cross, God's grace begins to flow, and transform, and work in our lives. This is the only way God moves. It’s the only way to get victory over sin. Brother Swaggart says all too often, preachers will incorrectly preach on grace, leaving out the doctrine of sin; he says you must deal with sin if you’re going to preach the Bible. While we are sanctified at salvation, to be declared justified and saved, there is still a progressive sanctification that must be preached, addressing every believer’s life and living, i.e. walk with the Lord. Trusting in the finish work of Christ will give the Holy Spirit latitude to address every sin, breaking bondages, and setting the captive free.
Up Next in 2021
A Study In The Word - Feb. 16th, 2021
Pharaoh typified the Gentile world, and Joseph was a type of Christ. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Joseph going from imprisonment to standing before Pharaoh, the mightiest monarch on the face of the earth, and telling him what he’s dreamed. Then his f...
A Study In The Word - Feb 15th, 2021
Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 7:20. Brother Swaggart asks, why would the Holy Spirit shade the meaning as He did; with using ten horns, and not saying ten nations, and why refer to the Antichrist as the little horn, knowing that it’s difficult t...
A Study In The Word - Feb. 12th, 2021
Did Daniel understand who the Antichrist was? Today on A Study in The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Daniel 7:19-20, regarding Daniel’s entire recourse with regards to what’s going to happen to Israel in the last days. Likely, Daniel understood there was a role that had to b...