HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE- The Bible is the only book we can read that we have the author present with us. Tonight at Family Worship Center, JSBC Professor Dave Watts reads 2 Timothy 3:16-17 and Joshua 1:1-9. The Holy Bible includes 66 books, where God breathed on the various authors, making every word God inspired. The scriptures in the Old Testament are written in Hebrew, with the New Testament in Greek and Aramaic. Brother Watts reminds us that God speaks to us through His Word. The Bible is without error and infallible. Brother Watts walks us through the history behind the various Bible translations. When we are choosing a bible, we want one with a literal fidelity to the text, which has a formal equivalence, meaning a word for word translation and not a thought for thought translation. By the power of the Holy Spirit, studying the Bible can be life changing when we read it through the lens of the Cross.
Up Next in 2025
Sunday Evening Service - February 2n...
UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH- Come Holy Spirit and revive your church today. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads from the Books of Matthew, Luke, and Acts teaching on God’s prescribed order for the church. Following His crucifixion, Jesus commanded His follow...
Sunday Evening Service - January 26th...
PENTECOST, ONE MORE TIME- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads Luke 24:49, Acts 1:48, and Zechariah 4:6 as he walks us through the Pentecostal movement. Dr. Gray reminds us of the many miracles and infilling of the Holy Spirit where He moved mightily on tens of thousand...
Sunday Evening Service - January 19th...
I CAN’T QUIT- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Guest Evangelist Chresten Tomlin from Tulsa Oklahoma reads Galatians 6:9 preaching on the believer’s full commitment to the Lord. No matter the trials that come our way, we must not quit. We are soldiers in His army; He made a promise to us, and...