The comforter abides with me, none like Him can heal our soul’s diseases, no not one, no not one. Darkness was great in the time of prideful Lucifer wanting to be God; be assured, Satan’s evil powers are just as hard at work today. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Revelations 20:1-3, and Isaiah 14:12, looking into Lucifer’s fall from heaven. Satan knows God watches over His Word; and Satan wants to prove even just one word of God wrong. Satan, being the master deceiver, has set his sights on the destruction of Israel, and the very foundation of biblical principles worldwide. Brother Larson says rebellion is at the very core of people denying God. While the world is looking for acceptance, God demands an inward change of man; something most people do not want. Brother Josh says with the elimination of prayer and the bible in schools, children don’t even know the foundation of "In God We Trust" that America was built upon. The panel encourages Christians to believe God like never before and pray to roll back the tides of darkness.
Up Next in 2020
Wednesday Evening Service - Aug. 5th,...
SATAN THE ADVERSARY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss how Satan was originally created to be the most beautiful angel, gifted with music untold, and was to give God glory. But in his pride, he used his knowledge and gift to try and become God himself. He used his gift of music to dec...
Wednesday Evenng Service - Jul. 29th,...
Satan hates hearing praises going up to Jesus Christ. Satan could have chosen to worship God, but he wanted to be God. Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss what the Apostle Paul called a Mystery. He offers the question, so many have asked, why did God not stop Satan? Like man, Satan too...
Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 22nd...
THE PROPHECY AGAINST GOG: THE SLAUGHTER OF GOG’S ARMY- Tonight Brother Swaggart and panel discuss Ezekiel 39:1, and set the stage with the prophecy of Ezekiel against the antichrist(GOG) some 2500 years ago. Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton, Florida joins the panel ton...