The light of a born again, child of God, is the blessing of a nation. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 5:1-2 discussing the role of the priest in the Old Covenant, as he then, was the mediator between man and God. On the Great Day of Atonement, the great high priest would go into the Holy of Holies and apply blood to the mercy seat; one day a year, atoning for the sins of the nation of Israel. All animal sacrifices of old were a type and shadow, pointing to our Great High Priest today, Jesus Christ. Only the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross could atone for the sin of humanity. We are the fallen sons of Adam’s lost race, and He alone is our Redeemer.
P&W Leader:
Joseph Larson
Are You Washed In The Blood
This Joy That I Have
Knowing You
In The Presence Of Jehovah
After PW:
He’s Coming Back
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me
Come And Go With Me
In The Shadow Of The Cross
Brian Haney
Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
Up Next in 2023
Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 26th...
We have one High Priest, Christ Jesus. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:14, discussing the role of the priest in the Old Covenant and the New. The priests of the tribe of Levi were to seek God on behalf of the people, but now we have one great...
Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 19th...
We cannot live a victorious life without the Cross. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:9-13 discussing what the law could not do in the Old Covenant, but the rest the believer has In Christ, in the New Covenant. God’s rest is found in His redemp...
Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 12th...
FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT- It is impossible to come in contact with the Cross of Christ at salvation and not be changed in some way. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Galatians 5:22-23, teaching on the fruit of the Spirit. Beginning with love, joy, and peace, which all p...