A Study In The Word

A Study In The Word

8 Seasons

A Study In The Word is a daily teaching program hosted by Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart. Throughout this 30-minute program, associate pastors Loren Larson, Bob Cornell, and others join Brother Swaggart in discussing biblical genealogy, history, prophecy, and end-time events in a detailed verse-by-verse format. The rich discussions and insights offered by these men of God on a myriad of biblical topics are extremely beneficial to every believer.

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A Study In The Word
  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 20th, 2023

    Episode 0

    What should I do? Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome Pastor Tommy Bates from Community Family Church in Independence Kentucky as they discuss spiritual adultery. Spiritual adultery is putting our faith in anything other than the finished work of Calvary fo...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 15th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The reason we sin, is sin in us. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:17 discussing the power of the sin nature, and how it can remain dormant in the believer’s life. When man is born again, and anchors his or her faith in the finished work of Christ, ...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 10th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The church must come back to the Cross. Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the revelation of the finished work of Christ, which is what every person needs. Too many, in our churches today, have left the truth that they came to at salvation. Humanisti...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 9th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:15-16 discussing failure in the life of a believer. Brother Swaggart encourages us that there is a way to victory in the life of a believer. The law of God defines sin, and the sin nature can rise again in a believe...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 8th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 3:23 and 2nd Corinthians 7:1 discussing the answer for man’s problem and how we are wholly saved and are continually being transformed into the righteousness of Christ. Everyone who is born again has the power of the s...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 7th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on The Message of The Cross, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:15 discussing sin that is not to dominate the believer when faith is properly placed. There is nothing a believer can do to bring about Godly living in our lives. Victory over sin can only be found by faith. W...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 6th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:15. The believer is married to Christ, and when we look for victory outside of the finished work of Christ we are committing spiritual adultery. This cohabitation with the law or any other rituals or self-works to m...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 3rd, 2023

    Episode 0

    I understand not. When we know the true message of Christ and Him crucified, then we know how great our need. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:15 discussing the importance of understanding what we are, and what we are not, in Christ. The law draws...

  • A Study In The Word - Nov. 1st, 2023

    Episode 0

    The Old Covenant is a stepping-stone to the New Covenant. We must know the Old in light of the New. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 5:12 discussing how sin entered into man at Adam’s fall therefore all men and women are born with a sin nature. Ther...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 31st, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the Law of the Old Covenant and the better covenant we have in the New Covenant. Reading in Romans 3:20, the panel explains the key purpose of the law, to show all people our need for a Savior in Jesus Christ. The law giv...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 30th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The purpose of the Old Covenant Law was to reveal sin. Today on A Study In The Word Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:13 teaching how trying to keep the law or self-works will only work death in us by that which is good. God designed the law to awaken us to our sinfulness. Out...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 27th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The Law of Moses was designed to show man he is unrighteous, and the law could not eradicate sin. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:12-13 and Hebrews 8:6-7 discussing the better Covenant man has in Christ Jesus. Man was not capable of doing all the ...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 26th, 2023

    Episode 0

    We are dead to the law by the body of Christ. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:4 discussing waiting on the Lord. The Law of Moses shows us our sinfulness and condemns us. We in the flesh are weak and unable to satisfy the demands of the law. God ...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 25th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Religious, but lost. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:11 discussing salvation in Jesus Christ and the sin nature that remains in the believer. When we say yes to Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord, our sin has been forgiven, and the sin nature within...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 24th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Believers do not have to live a life of spiritual defeat. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the proper way to walk a victorious Christian life. Faith in the finished work of Christ is the only way to bring about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives to...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 23rd, 2023

    Episode 0

    Sin can only be overcome at the Cross. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:11, discussing God’s way. The commandment was designed to agitate the sin nature and bring sin to the fore. We cannot obey the Lord in every respect with our own self will and...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 18th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 7:12 discussing spiritual death. Too many Christians are being dominated by sin, to the degree that men in the church today, good men are committing suicide. As people move away from exclusive faith in the finished wo...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 13th, 2023

    Episode 0

    God’s method of victory comes through the sacrifice. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss Samuel, one of the greatest men of God who ever lived, and the understanding of biblical types and shadows of the Redeemer to come. The many types and shadows in the Ol...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 12th, 2023

    Episode 0

    When it comes to sin in our lives, God does not need our help. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss seeking God and His solution for sin. When a person asks the Lord to reveal His way to living a victorious Christian life the response will always be faith an...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 11th, 2023

    Episode 0

    When Christ comes back will He find faith in the provision that He has made? Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the sin nature and the misunderstanding that exist in the church, as many think that at salvation the sin nature will no longer be a problem. Th...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 10th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss how sin can take occasion by the commandments. Reading Romans 7:11, the panel explains the teachings of the Apostle Paul on the sin nature. The sin nature that is made dormant at salvation can result in the believer’s lif...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 9th, 2023

    Episode 0

    When you go the way of the flesh, even a believer will get burnt out. Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the only power source a Christian can have to fight in the spiritual war around us is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will work on the believer’s beha...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 6th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel continue their study in Romans chapter seven, as the panelists share their personal testimonies of salvation. The panel discusses the power behind the preaching of the Cross and how faith in the finished work of Christ will allow ...

  • A Study In The Word - Oct. 5th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Today on A Study In The Word, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel discuss the anointing of the Holy Spirit. A person cannot be saved unless there is an anointing on the message they hear; this is how truth penetrates the hardened heart of man. Reading Zechariah 4:6, the Lord said through the Pr...