Crossfire Services

Crossfire Services

SBN features several programs for youth and young adults with Pastor Gabriel Swaggart. Crossfire Live is a broadcast taken from our live youth service. This allows our viewers to experience these services just as if they were a member of the youth group.

Crossfire Services
  • Crossfire Services - Oct. 5th, 2023

    THRIVING IN BABYLON- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Ross Kibodeaux reads Jeremiah 29:4-7 preaching on how despite our trials and discouragement, we can thrive where we are. Even amidst revival or times of refreshing around us, some find themselves fighting apathy, or feelings of unbelief and indif...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 28th, 2023

    LOVE: THE HEARTBEAT OF REVIVAL- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Revelation 2:4-5 and Ephesians 3:14-19, teaching on the core of revival, which is love. The church, being filled with the fullness of God, would spark revival. The believer must know and understand the height, the d...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 21st, 2023

    REVIVAL: A VISION OF GOD, A VISION OF SELF, AND A VISION OF SOULS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Isaiah 6:1-8, preaching on the roots of revival and how very simply, revival is really just falling in love with Jesus. It’s a heart set on fire. Isaiah was a man that wanted to se...

  • Crossfire Services - Sep. 7th, 2023

    THE SPIRIT FILLED LIFE-Today at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Ezekiel 47:1-10, preaching on how we can experience the very presence of God in our life. We will find it if we bow down at the foot of Calvary. His blood is still flowing from that Cross, and the blood is everything we will ev...

  • Crossfire Services - Aug. 24th, 2023

    HE CARES FOR YOU, SO PUT HIM FIRST- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:25-34, teaching on the faithfulness of God. As believers, He tells us to seek first, His Kingdom, and then all other needs will be taken care of. He gave His life for sinful man and the moment that we s...

  • Crossfire Services - Aug. 10th, 2023

    WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:19-24, teaching on how we cannot serve two masters. As a believer, we must ask ourselves what is the treasure filling our heart? There are certain spiritual attitudes that need to dominate the heart and the...

  • Crossfire Services - Aug. 3rd, 2023

    BUT WHO ARE YOU?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Jason Collins reads from Acts 19:13-15, preaching on what it is to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Are we followers of Christ to be the captain of the debate team, or do we really want to win and to disciple other believers? Paul was in Ephesus. He ...

  • Crossfire Services - July 27th, 2023

    LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Asher Webber reads Mark 6:34-44 discussing the hunger for more of God in our lives. God will always supply our needs. In His Word, He promises to meet our spiritual and our physical needs. Pastor Webber encourages us to recognize w...

  • Crossfire Services - Jul. 13th, 2023

    WHEN YOU PRAY, NOT IF- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:16-18 teaching how believers must believe God for a move of His mighty power in these desperate times. We need God to pour out His spirit on the earth and bring in a great harvest. Pastor Paris says, historically, w...

  • Crossfire Services - Jun. 22nd, 2023

    THE INJUSTICE OF UNFORGIVENESS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:14-15 discussing the forgiveness of God towards us, and our forgiveness towards others. When a believer has their hearts and their minds exposed to the depth and the weight and the burden of their own sin, t...

  • Crossfire Services - Jun. 8th, 2023

    THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE BELIEVER- Today at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:5-13, teaching on the need for righteousness in the believer's life. But this is a righteousness that can only be found by faith, in Christ Jesus, because we must live in the perfect righteousness of Jesus C...

  • Crossfire Services - May. 25th, 2023

    THE SECRET LIFE OF THE BELIEVER: CONCEPT OF GIVING- Everybody under the New Covenant gets to encounter God on the same basis. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:1-4 teaching on the private life of the believer and giving. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant; He i...

  • Crossfire Services - May.11th, 2023

    THE SWEET SAVOR UNTO THE LORD- Christ Himself fulfilled the entire sacrificial system. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Tanner Kratzer reads Leviticus 1:1-9, teaching on the sacrificial system and its types and shadows, which all pointed to the death of Christ at Calvary. The entirety of the Old Co...

  • Crossfire Services - May. 4th, 2023

    A CRISIS OF FAITH- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Mark 8:14-21 and 27-30. Having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? and do you not remember? When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took you up? Pastor Paris prea...

  • Crossfire Services - Apr. 20th, 2023

    PUT ON THE GARMENT OF PRAISE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Tanner Kratzer reads Isaiah 61:3 discussing how the believer can trust God even in the most difficult of circumstances. If we place our faith in what He has provided, He will give us an abundance of joy, even over mourning. Everything w...

  • Crossfire Services - Apr. 13th, 2023

    UNDERSTANDING THE TRUTH- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads 1st John 4:1-6 and Acts 20:17 discussing the power of Jesus Christ that is within every believer. Paul warned the church in Ephesus of exactly what was taking place in the days of John, that there would be men within John’s ...

  • Crossfire Services - Mar. 30th, 2023

    JESUS IS THE MORAL AUTHORITY OVER SEX & MARRIAGE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 5:17-20 & 28-32 & 48. The law gave rules and regulations on how to live. Jesus gives power to obey these rules, and goes a step further by changing the desires of the heart. Our standard of ri...

  • Crossfire Services - Mar. 10th, 2023

    WHY ARE YOU SO ANGRY? - Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 5:17-26, & 48 teaching on the Gospel of Matthew. Pastor Paris presents Jesus to be the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the revelation of the divine, and the authoritative teacher of the New Testament. Jesus Christ ca...

  • Crossfire Services - Feb. 23rd, 2023

    WE ARE SLAVES TO RIGHTEOUSNESS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Romans 6:15-23, teaching on how to walk in the power of the Spirit and live a victorious Christian life. We can be made free from sin; Pastor Paris shares the story of Hosea and how God told him to buy his wife Gomer ...

  • Crossfire Services - Feb. 9th, 2023

    DON’T QUIT- We are called to grow in the grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches on the life of Peter, reading from John 21:6-9 and 2nd Peter 3:18. He shows us the progress of Peter understanding God’s truth through Calvary. Peter was...

  • Crossfire Services - Jan. 12th, 2023

    JESUS FULFILLS THAT NEED- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 1:19-25 teaching on the Gospel of Matthew and how everything in the Old Testament points to Christ. He is the fulfillment of the law. He is the fulfillment of the prophets. He is the fulfillment of absolutely every...

  • Crossfire Services - Jan. 8th, 2023

    PROOF AND HOPE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads from Mark 16:1-8 & 15-18. He shares the story of Lee Strobel, one of the greatest investigative journalists in history who as an atheist wanted to disprove Christianity, but later finds it to be real believes his findings and gets bo...

  • Crossfire Services - Dec. 29th, 2022

    WATCH AND ENDURE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Mark 13:9-13 & 33-37. The Holy Spirit is inspiring Mark to write here how Jesus was definitely the suffering Messiah, and he makes it clear that the Messiah, according to the Old Testament, was supposed to suffer. Christ would hav...

  • Crossfire Services - Dec. 8th, 2022

    THAT YOUR LOVE MAY ABOUND MORE AND MORE- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Colton Pemberton reads Philippians 1:3-11;I thank my God upon every remembrance of you. We have a confidence in Christ to be thankful for. He began a good work in us and will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. It’s a ...