Crossfire Services - Apr. 11th, 2024
THE PROPHECY OF ISAIAH IS STILL BEING FULFILLED- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 8:16-17 teaching on the miracle working power of God. God cares about the people we care about. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law, just as he was to enter into a busy time of ministry. He ...
Crossfire Services - Apr. 4th, 2024
CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 10:16-26 as he teaches on the persecution of the saints. Jesus Christ is worth our lives, and this is what Jesus taught His disciples. Many of Christ's followers, then and now, go to hostile territories to take the go...
Crossfire Services - Mar. 21st, 2024
ARE YOU READY?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 25:1-13 discussing the time of judgment to come before the Lord’s return. If you’re living in sin, whether you’re unsaved or a believer, the wrath of God is revealed against sin today; not tomorrow, not just in the future, b...
Crossfire Services - March 15, 2023
RECKON YOURSELF DEAD BUT ALIVE- Tonight at Crossfire, Youth Pastor Paris Ragan reads Romans 6:8-9 teaching on how the believer is to live for Christ. This scripture is clear; we must be crucified with Christ. This is where we are dead to sin, but we are alive to God. We are now servants of r...
Crossfire Services - Mar. 7th, 2024
HE CAN HANDLE TOMORROW- Tonight at Crossfire, Associate Pastor Shaun Murphy reads Matthew 6:25-34 looking at God’s intention towards all of humanity. In the very beginning we see, God creates Adam, Adam transgresses the covenant and falls in the garden. God says in Genesis chapter 3 to the ser...
Crossfire Services - Feb. 29th, 2024
A REPAIRED ALTAR WILL BRING RAIN- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads 1st Kings 18:37-41 teaching on the things that equate to the altar of Baal, which are anything that is lifted up in place of the Cross of Christ. In the presence of hundreds of prophets of Baal and the king himself...
Crossfire Services - Feb. 22nd, 2024
IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE HARVEST WORKERS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 10:5-15 teaching how every believer is called to labor in the harvest. While God builds a community right where we are, we’re not supposed to be all-inclusive. We’re not supposed to be only f...
Crossfire Services - Feb. 8th, 2024
THE CALL OF GOD COMES WITH POWER- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 10:1-4 teaching on how God has a unique and a very specific calling for each and every one of us. But before we preach, or jump ahead to healing people, or casting out demon spirits, Pastor Paris says we mus...
Crossfire Services - Jan. 25th, 2024
MOVE ME WITH COMPASSION FOR THE LOST- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 9:35-38 teaching on the Great Commission. Jesus told His disciples, the harvest is truly plenteous, but the laborers are few. Pastor Paris shares how he felt when he knew he was lost. It’s a debilitati...
Crossfire Services - Jan. 11th, 2024
PROGRESSIVE SANCTIFICATION- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Colossians 3:4-10 teaching on sanctification in the life of the believer. All believers’ are in a process of progressive sanctification, of change, and of transformation in our hearts and lives. We have a need; for we al...
Crossfire Services - Jan. 4th, 2024
THE BEST DEFENSE AGAINST FALSE TEACHING- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Colossians 2:9-15 teaching on false doctrine. Believers will find moments of trials and suffering, but the question is, will we believe biblically in our efforts to handle those times of suffering and difficu...
Crossfire Services - Dec. 28th, 2023
YOU’RE IN THE FIGHT NOW- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 13:18-23 teaching on the fight of faith. The devil, the world, and sin want to overtake us. Our flesh is our biggest enemy, but we have enemies on the outside and both have one common goal in mind, and that is to rob...
Crossfire Services - Dec. 7th, 2023
THE POWER OF GOD, PART II- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads 1st Corinthians 1:18 as he teaches part two of his Power of God series. For the preaching of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness; but unto us who are Saved it is the Power of God. Nothing needs to be added to us t...
Crossfire Services - Nov. 30th, 2023
THE POWER OF GOD- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads 1 Corinthians chapters one and two, and Hebrews 1:1-3 preaching on how to find our way back to God. There are many in the church that are broken, and are being controlled by temptation over and over again? Are you asking yourself,...
Crossfire Services - Nov. 23rd, 2023
AN OUT OF FOCUS CHURCH- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads 1st Corinthians 1:10-17 discussing what the Apostle Paul was most concerned with. Paul was interested in truth and that truth was heard, and that truth was reckoned into the listener’s heart and life. This means that we beli...
Crossfire Services - Nov. 9th, 2023
LOVE AND SHACKLES-Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Shaun Murphy reads Judges 16:15-22 teaching on the story of Samson, defined as the only one to take a Nazarite vow for their entire life. An angel of the Lord appeared to his mother, a barren woman, and said you are going to have a child, set apart ...
Crossfire Services - Oct. 26th, 2023
A LIFE BUILT ON CHRIST- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 7:13-27 discussing the strait gate and narrow way that leads to Jesus Christ. The broad gate with the broad path ends in destruction. Jesus says we will know those who lead down a broad path by their fruit, or lack t...
Crossfire Services - Oct. 12th, 2023
GOD HELP US TO TREAT OTHERS RIGHT- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 7:1-12 preaching on the judgment man. We must stop being that person who is examining other people in an effort to discover their faults. This is a disgusting habit that exists within the body of Christ, a...
Crossfire Services - Oct. 5th, 2023
THRIVING IN BABYLON- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Ross Kibodeaux reads Jeremiah 29:4-7 preaching on how despite our trials and discouragement, we can thrive where we are. Even amidst revival or times of refreshing around us, some find themselves fighting apathy, or feelings of unbelief and indif...
Crossfire Services - Sep. 28th, 2023
LOVE: THE HEARTBEAT OF REVIVAL- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Revelation 2:4-5 and Ephesians 3:14-19, teaching on the core of revival, which is love. The church, being filled with the fullness of God, would spark revival. The believer must know and understand the height, the d...
Crossfire Services - Sep. 21st, 2023
REVIVAL: A VISION OF GOD, A VISION OF SELF, AND A VISION OF SOULS- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Isaiah 6:1-8, preaching on the roots of revival and how very simply, revival is really just falling in love with Jesus. It’s a heart set on fire. Isaiah was a man that wanted to se...
Crossfire Services - Sep. 7th, 2023
THE SPIRIT FILLED LIFE-Today at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Ezekiel 47:1-10, preaching on how we can experience the very presence of God in our life. We will find it if we bow down at the foot of Calvary. His blood is still flowing from that Cross, and the blood is everything we will ev...
Crossfire Services - Aug. 24th, 2023
HE CARES FOR YOU, SO PUT HIM FIRST- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:25-34, teaching on the faithfulness of God. As believers, He tells us to seek first, His Kingdom, and then all other needs will be taken care of. He gave His life for sinful man and the moment that we s...
Crossfire Services - Aug. 10th, 2023
WHAT IS MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU?- Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan reads Matthew 6:19-24, teaching on how we cannot serve two masters. As a believer, we must ask ourselves what is the treasure filling our heart? There are certain spiritual attitudes that need to dominate the heart and the...