AN OPEN DOOR- Tonight at Camp meeting, Pastor Tommy Bates from Independence Kentucky reads Revelation 3:6-8 teaching on the call of God on the life of David. Reading in 1st Samuel 16:1 we see the Lord tells Samuel, stop your mourning, go to the House of Jessie for there you will find one of his sons to be God’s anointed king. The Lord said fill your horn with oil, take a sacrifice, and go. These were types of the Holy Spirit and the Cross. David was God’s anointed in the house of his brethren, over Judah, and the world. Brother Bates says the Spirit of God is looking for some David’s today. Just as He did for David, God has an open door for every believer; we are all called to take His gospel to a lost and dying world. Heed His call, and the Holy Spirit will move mightily.
The Old Rugged Cross
Jesus Hold My Hand
Amazing Grace
P&W Leader:
Robin Herd
Jesus Messiah
All Is Well
Fwc Singers:
Death Was Arrested
He Poured In The Oil And The Wine
Is Not This The Land Of Beulah
Tommy Bates
He Ain’t Never Done Me Nothin’ But Good
Tommy Bates
I Want To Walk As Close As I Possibly Can
Tommy Bates
My Sins Are Gone
There’s Room At The Cross
Tired Of You Satan
Up Next in 2023
Apr. 6th, 2023 - 2:00pm Service
GOD NEVER GIVES UP ON BROKEN AND BRUISED PEOPLE- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Don Paul Gray reads from the book of Jeremiah, 2nd Corinthians, and John. He teaches on Jeremiah’s prophetic warnings to Israel to repent from their wicked ways for the judgment of God was at hand. He applie...
Apr. 6th, 2023 - 10:00am Service
PREACHING THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Loren Larson reads 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 reminding us of the teachings of the Apostle Paul in Corinth. Like the Corinthians, believers today need to know that our faith is to be in God and not the wisdom of men. We walk th...
Apr. 5th, 2023 - 7:00pm Service
THE FIVE BLESSINGS- Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart kicks off Camp meeting 2023 with a powerful message on the blessings of God. Reading 2 Chronicles 26:16-23, he has encouragement and a warning for believers as he shares the tragic story of King Uzziah, son of Amaziah, both reigned over Judah. ...