Sunday Morning Service

Sunday Morning Service

6 Seasons

The SonLife Broadcasting Network features the Family Worship Center Church services, a multi-cultural, non-denominational congregation. Drawing congregants from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, social backgrounds and classes, this unique Church offers an opportunity for everyone to feel welcome and a part of something very special. The state of the art facility provides opportunity for an interactive experience which allows the viewer to feel like they were right there with the other congregants. Services include both music and messages that are sure to reach out and lift up the viewer and give them hope and inspiration in a much needed way. Numerous people view the services live on a weekly basis and consider these services as their home church. With a continuous compliment of ministers and speakers, Family Worship Center Live will always bring an assortment of style and content sure to keep the viewers attention.

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Sunday Morning Service
  • Sunday Morning Service - July 3rd, 2022

    Episode 0

    MATURING IN YOUR FAITH, IT’S TIME FOR US TO GROW UP- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Ephesians 4:11-16, looking at the result of growing in our faith. Pastor Gabe says some believers need to get out of the nursery. He says the excuses for not going to churc...

  • Sunday Morning Service - June 26th, 2022


    WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT A PLACE CALLED HELL- Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from Luke 16:22-24, addressing the fire and torment of hell through the sufferings of the rich man who begged for Lazarus to bring but a finger of water to cool his tongue. Brother S...

  • Sunday Morning Service - June 19th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE GLAD TIDINGS OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD & THE MISSION OF SBN- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie preaches on the glad tidings of the gospel, reading Luke 8:1-3. Just as SBN is called to take the gospel to the world, all believers are called to be a part of the Great Commission in one w...

  • Sunday Morning Service - June 12th, 2022

    Episode 0

    AND GOD BLESSED THE HOUSE OF OBED-EDOM- And God wants to bless your house as well. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 2 Samuel 6:6-11 on the return of the Ark of the Covenant to David. Pastor Gabe encourages us, God is a personal God; what He does for one, He ...

  • Sunday Morning Service - June 5th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE PARABLE OF THE THREE LOAVES- Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart says it is midnight, spiritually speaking, preaching from Luke 11:5. He says the church today is in terrible condition; even so, Brother Swaggart encourages us that when the Lord returns He will not find a...

  • Sunday Morning Service - May 29th, 2022

    Episode 0

    REJOICE THROUGH YOUR TRIAL- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 1 Peter 4:12-14 sharing how even believers will go through trials and tribulations. Pastor Gabe shares the life story of the great theologian Charles Spurgeon, who often preached on the topic of dep...

  • Sunday Morning Service - May 22nd, 2022

    Episode 0

    WILL YOU NOT REVIVE US AGAIN?- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Psalms 85:6-7. He answers that question with a resounding, yes! These dry bones can live again; referring to the revival of the church. Brother Donnie says this prayer said on behalf of Israel w...

  • Sunday Morning Service - May 15th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE LOST COIN- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor John Maasbach from The Hague, Holland preaches from Luke 15:8-10 looking to the parables of Christ that teach us to have care and compassion for the lost. In the parable of the lost coin, the woman searching for the coin is likened to the chu...

  • Sunday Morning Service - May 8th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE BITTER WATERS OF MARAH- Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from Exodus 15:22-26. Brother Swaggart reminds us of how the three million Israelites crossed the Red Sea free from bondage. They had on the finest clothes, and there wasn’t a feeble one in the group;...

  • Sunday Morning Service - May 1st, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE HOUSE OF GRACE AND MERCY- Will you be made whole? Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from John 5:1-9. He reminds the believer that we are called out of this world through His grace and mercy. His power is greater than all powers of darkness. Brother Donnie say...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 24th, 2022

    Episode 0

    STAND FIRM AND HOLD THE LINE- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 1 Peter 5:8-9 warning us of the powerful adversary that Satan is; he wants to steal what we have in Christ. Satan is playing for keeps; we must be sober, which is to keep our mind free from worry ...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 10th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE THREE BAPTISMS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from Romans 6:3 and Matthew 3:11-12. Brother Donnie teaches on the believer’s baptism into Christ, our baptism in water, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Water baptism is not a sacrament,...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Apr. 3rd, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE GIFT OF GOD - Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from John 4:10; teaching on the lengths that God will go to save a soul. Jesus went out of His way to tell the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well about the living water He brings, for she knew not whom she worshipp...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 27th, 2022

    Episode 0

    CHARACTERISTICS OF A CHRISTIAN- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Ephesians 4:1-6, teaching on how our Christian doctrine moves into action. Our Christian foundation will always be faith anchored in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Cross, but we must know how ...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 20th, 2022

    Episode 0

    WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD AND WHAT HAVE YOU SEEN? Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from 1 John 1:1-4. He reminds us of the words of the Apostle John, “My little children, love one another”. Brother Donnie says love is the greatest example one who is a believer. While o...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 13th, 2022

    Episode 0

    WHAT TO DO WHEN THE BABY DIES? - This is the day of salvation. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Bill Bailey from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton Florida, preaches from 2 Samuel 12: 15-20. Brother Bailey teaches us through the mistakes and successes of David. Despite David's covering of ...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Mar. 6th, 2022

    Episode 0

    SANCTIFICATION- Just as we cannot save ourselves, we also cannot sanctify ourselves. Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart explains how the born again Christian is to be transformed into the image of Christ, reading from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Brother Swaggart encourages us t...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 27th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THE TRIAL OF YOUR FAITH- Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from 1 Peter 1:6-9; encouraging the believer that God can work with our failures, but He can’t work with quitters. The Apostle Peter failed the Lord greatly, even denied Him three times, but the Lord told P...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 20th, 2022

    Episode 0

    PRAY- How long will we tarry to answer God’s call to prayer? Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from 2 Chronicles 7:12-15, calling all believers to recognize the signs of the times, with lawlessness, disrespect, and anti-God platforms running rampant in our country a...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 13th, 2022

    Episode 0

    THAT SCARLET CORD OF REDEMPTION- Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from Joshua 2:17-18 on the faith of Rahab. Rahab, a Canaanite prostitute, had heard the worst of the worst evil, hearing the screams of Canaanite children being sacrificed by fire. She also heard...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Feb. 6th, 2022

    Episode 0

    HOW TO LIVE WHEN THE HEAT’S TURNED UP- Preaching from Daniel 3:14-19, today at FWC, Bishop Tim Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God preaches on the fiery furnace a believer can find themselves in. For the three Hebrew boys who wouldn’t bow to King Nebuchadnezzar, the heat in the furnace w...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 30th, 2022

    Episode 0

    MY PRAYER FOR YOU AT FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER- Take ahold of His provisions and promises. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Ephesians 3:14-19, reminding us of the words of the Apostle Paul, that we are a slave of Jesus Christ. As believers, we are called to seek...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 23rd, 2022

    Episode 0

    THAT I MAY THRUST OUT YOUR RIGHT EYE- Compromise is the first step to destruction. Today at Family Worship Center, Pastor Donnie Swaggart preaches from 1 Samuel 11:1-11; teaching on how many in the church are compromising by finding life’s answers in the world. Just as the scripture here finds t...

  • Sunday Morning Service - Jan. 16th, 2022

    Episode 0

    IS CHRISTIANITY REALLY THAT IMPORTANT? - Come over to Macedonia and help. Today at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart preaches from Acts 16:9-10. Brother Swaggart shares the importance of tithing and mission’s work. There’s no greater work than giving to the work of God. The Lord ...