Wednesday Night Service

Wednesday Night Service

6 Seasons

The SonLife Broadcasting Network features the Family Worship Center Church services, a multi-cultural, non-denominational congregation. Drawing congregants from all ages, ethnic backgrounds, social backgrounds and classes, this unique Church offers an opportunity for everyone to feel welcome and a part of something very special. The state of the art facility provides opportunity for an interactive experience which allows the viewer to feel like they were right there with the other congregants. Services include both music and messages that are sure to reach out and lift up the viewer and give them hope and inspiration in a much needed way. Numerous people view the services live on a weekly basis and consider these services as their home church. With a continuous compliment of ministers and speakers, Family Worship Center Live will always bring an assortment of style and content sure to keep the viewers attention.

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Wednesday Night Service
  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jul. 5th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Are you a bond slave to Christ, swallowed up in the will of your master? Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Loren Larson reads Psalm 51:13-19 teaching on a proper response to restoration with his three part series on how the believer is to go home, grow strong, and go tell. The believer c...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jun. 28th, 2023

    Episode 0

    God has given us a land, and by faith, we are to go in and possess it. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read 1st Corinthians 6:11, discussing the doctrine of justification by faith. In the New Covenant, God’s provision for His children is Calvary. We should...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jun. 21st, 2023

    Episode 0

    Justification is an action of God’s free grace, a divine acquittal that comes from God when we show forth faith in Christ and ask to be forgiven of our sin. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 5:1-3, discussing justification by faith. When the sinne...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jun. 14th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel. We can only find peace with God and be justified and cleansed from sin by placing our faith in the finished work of Christ. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 5:1-5 discussing justification by faith. ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jun. 7th, 2023

    Episode 0

    God does not abide sin, especially in heaven. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Numbers 23:21-23, He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither has He seen perverseness in Israel; at salvation, we have received a divine acquittal, we are justified by faith...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 31st, 2023

    Episode 0

    All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Romans 5:1-2 discussing justification by faith, where the believer can stand in the grace, goodness, joy and peace of God. Brother Swaggart begins with a question to th...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 24th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 6:4 discussing eternal security. Brother Swaggart says believers need to know that their eternal security is conditional; the condition is, that our faith is maintained exclusively in the finished work of Christ o...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May 17th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The Cross of Christ is the only thing to which sin will respond. Sin will not respond to anything else. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 5:3-4 under the Old Covenant sacrifices were only offered by the priests, with the high priest being kindred...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May. 10th, 2023

    Episode 0

    The blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 5:1-2 discussing the sacrificial system of the Old Testament. Every sacrifice and priestly duty was a type and shadow, pointing to our coming High Priest, Jes...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - May. 3rd, 2023

    Episode 0

    The light of a born again, child of God, is the blessing of a nation. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 5:1-2 discussing the role of the priest in the Old Covenant, as he then, was the mediator between man and God. On the Great Day of Atonement, ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 26th, 2023

    Episode 0

    We have one High Priest, Christ Jesus. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:14, discussing the role of the priest in the Old Covenant and the New. The priests of the tribe of Levi were to seek God on behalf of the people, but now we have one great...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 19th, 2023

    Episode 0

    We cannot live a victorious life without the Cross. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:9-13 discussing what the law could not do in the Old Covenant, but the rest the believer has In Christ, in the New Covenant. God’s rest is found in His redemp...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Apr. 12th, 2023

    Episode 0

    FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT- It is impossible to come in contact with the Cross of Christ at salvation and not be changed in some way. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads Galatians 5:22-23, teaching on the fruit of the Spirit. Beginning with love, joy, and peace, which all p...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 29th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Jesus Christ is our great High Priest, and has unending grace to help in our time of need. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel reads Hebrews 4:14-16 discussing how Christ is our mediator to God. Jesus Christ was very man and very God. While He too was tempted,...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 22nd, 2023

    Episode 0

    Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:1, discussing laboring for the Lord from a place of rest. Brother Swaggart says God has given him direction to take the message of sanctification to the world through the Sonlife Broadcasting Network. In 1985, ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 15th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Jesus said, I've come that they might have life, and have life more abundantly. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:1, discussing the life we can have when we believe on the finished work of Christ. While the powers of darkness are stronger than ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 8th, 2023

    Episode 0

    JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE- The Spirit of the Lord is greater than all that tries to hinder. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Pastor Tommy Bates from Community Family Church in Independence Kentucky reads Judges 16:6-7, sharing the story of Sampson and Delilah. Sampson was chosen to be a part of ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Mar. 1st, 2023

    Episode 0

    I SHALL NOT BE MOVED- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel welcome special guest, Evangelist John Maasbach from The Hague in Holland. The Maasbachs are known as the first family of Pentecost in that region of Europe. Johan Maasbach began his World Mission's Foun...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 22nd, 2023

    Episode 0

    GOD IS IN THE RESTORATION BUSINESS- Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 4:1, discussing unbelief in the life of a believer. When we choose sin, knowingly, we are heading down a path that could result in losing our salvation. The believer’s heart gr...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 15th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Complaining is a form of unbelief. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 3:7 discussing how Israel’s greatest problem was complaining and finding fault with God. Brother Swaggart says we see the same problem alive and well in the church today. This ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 8th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 3:1-3 discussing the scripture proclamation of Jesus Christ as an Apostle, our High Priest; for He is worthy of all glory. The Lord built the house of Israel, as Abraham was the only believer in his day, then came ...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Feb. 1st, 2023

    Episode 0

    Christ alone sets the captive free. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 3:1 and Colossians 2:14 & 15, discussing the delivering power of God through the finished work of Christ. The panel explains how psychology is not man’s answer for the power of...

  • Wednesday Evening Service - Jan. 25th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 2:17 discussing how the devil tempts us, and how he tempted Christ. Before the Cross, Satan tempted Christ in His physical body with hunger, and in his Spirit and soul to worship him instead of God. Satan’s goal ...

  • Wednesday Evening Services - Jan. 18th, 2023

    Episode 0

    Let me tell you why I am happy? He took on Him the seed of Abraham. Tonight at Family Worship Center, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart and panel read Hebrews 2:16-17 discussing Christ’s humanity as He came to save mankind, not fallen angels. He is our High Priest, our representative to God. He made ...