7 Seasons
One of several programs for youth and young adults with Pastor Gabriel Swaggart and Pastor Paris Ragan. Crossfire Live is a broadcast taken from our live youth service. This allows our viewers to experience these services just as if they were a member of the youth group.
44:20Episode 36
Crossfire Services - Dec. 31st, 2020
Episode 36
NOW FAITH— Jesus asks, what can I do for you? Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabe welcomes Pastor Randy Coggins II, from Happy Gospel Church in Bradenton Florida. Pastor Randy reads from Mark Chapter 10:46-52. He talks about, "now faith", using the story of Blind Bartimaeus. Just because you d...
57:09Episode 2
Crossfire Services - Dec. 24th, 2020
Episode 2
REJOICE, DON’T WORRY, AND KEEP YOUR MINDS ON CHRIST— It’s not uncommon for Christian’s to struggle with oppression and depression. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart reads from Philippines 4:4, and reminds, as Christian’s we are to rejoice in the Lord always; just as the Apostle Paul...
35:40Episode 3
Crossfire Services - Dec 10th, 2020
Episode 3
HEALING THE BROKEN HEARTED— God stepped out of heaven, to become man, and die for us; this is what Christ came to do. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Ragan preaches from Luke 4:16-18, encouraging us through the hurts of life. While we may be crushed by circumstances that cause confusion and pain...
55:10Episode 4
Crossfire Services - Dec. 3rd, 2020
Episode 4
INCREASE, MORE AND MORE— Our greatest goal in Christianity should be our conformity to Christ. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Keith Babin preaches from First Thessalonians Chapter four, verses one, nine, eleven and twelve. He tells us, as believers, we are to be the fragrance of Christ; we can be...
50:05Episode 5
Crossfire Services - Nov. 26th, 2020
Episode 5
RIGHTEOUSNESS, TEMPERANCE, AND JUDGMENT TO COME- The religious will be the first to attack the work of God, but God will get the glory in our trials. Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 24:24-25, sharing how the Apostle Paul dealt with the religious of his day. Just as the Nati...
43:30Episode 6
Crossfire Services - Nov. 12th, 2020
Episode 6
LOCAL MISSIONARIES - As a believer, we are called to mission’s work right where we are. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Paris Ragan preaches from Acts 1:8. God has a different call for every individual. God calls men, and He calls women. Until He makes it clear to you what your call is, you ar...
44:01Episode 7
Crossfire Services - Nov. 5th, 2020
Episode 7
THE WILL OF THE LORD BE DONE- Everyone is unique, uniquely called, and uniquely chosen. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 21:11-14. At a prayer meeting in Jerusalem, a prophet named Agabus warns of trouble coming to the Apostle Paul. Pastor Gabe says God may use...
53:15Episode 8
Crossfire Services - Oct 29th, 2020
Episode 8
FINISHING THE COURSE THAT IS SET BEFORE YOU- Neither count my life dear to myself, because my life is not my own. Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 20:24, sharing the words of the Apostle Paul. His heart was on Jerusalem; but he reached out to the church of Ephesus to journe...
55:40Episode 9
Crossfire Services - Oct. 22nd, 2020
Episode 9
GIVE US BOLDNESS, AND PERFORM MIRACLES- Tonight Pastor Paris Ragan preaches on the power of God poured out at Pentecost, in Acts 4:23-29. Brother Paris asks, do you know who God is? After Christ’s ascension, His disciples obeyed Him, and waited in Jerusalem until they were endued with power fr...
46:25Episode 10
Crossfire Services - Oct. 8th, 2020
Episode 10
THE POINT OF CONTACT- Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches on the miracles of God at the hands of Paul, in Acts 19:11. In Ephesus, Paul stayed for quite some time, some three months, before being forced out. We see Paul separating himself from the religious leaders. He would reach an enti...
39:09Episode 11
Crossfire Services - Sep. 24th, 2020
Episode 11
BAPTISM- Tonight Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 19:1. He says we find here, three references to baptism. One into Christ, one into water, and the third, a Spirit Baptism. The Baptism into Christ references Salvation, because we put our faith in Christ and Him Crucified we then, in...
38:35Episode 13
Crossfire Services - Sep. 3rd, 2020
Episode 13
HAVING A TEACHABLE SPIRIT- Tonight at Crossfire,Pastor Gabe preaches from Acts 18:24-28. He says next to laziness, the worst characteristic a Christian can have is an unteachable Spirit. He reminds us that we are to be lifelong learners. The Holy Spirit placed this narrative in the Book of Act...
52:00Episode 14
Crossfire Services - Aug. 27th, 2020
Episode 14
PURSUING HOLINESS- But God be thanked that you WERE servants of sin. Tonight at Crossfire, Brother Paris Ragan preaches from Romans 6:15-23. He encourages that every bondage in our lives has been dealt with at the Cross of Christ. If you are still struggling with sin, hang on, help is on the ...
55:50Episode 15
Crossfire Services - Aug. 13th, 2020
Episode 15
THE MISSIONARY CALL FOR ALL BELIEVERS- While the Cross has saved us from our sin, it also saves us to something. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart welcomes Pastor Caleb Berg from New York. Brother Berg says a church without mission is no longer a church. The church is mission. Th...
44:40Episode 16
Crossfire Services - Aug. 6th, 2020
Episode 16
GOD’S COMMAND FOR REPENTANCE- Even though we may search for God, wondering if He’s really there; be assured, He’s always close by. Tonight at Crossfire Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 17:24-30. When man failed in the Garden, God out of love, didn’t leave man in that failed condition...
44:40Episode 17
Crossfire Services - Jul. 30th, 2020
Episode 17
GOD’S COMMAND FOR REPENTANCE- Even though we may search for God and try to find Him, He’s always close by. Tonight at Crossfire Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 17:24-30. When man failed in the Garden, God out of love, didn’t leave man in that failed condition but gave man an option....
54:50Episode 18
Crossfire Ministries - Jul. 9th. 2020
Episode 18
55:20Episode 35
Crossfire Ministries - Jun. 25th, 2020
Episode 35
He wanted the water without the well. He wanted to be a tree with no roots. He wanted a shout with no song. Tonight at Crossfire, Brother Gabe welcomes Pastor Jason Collins, visiting from Lakeside Church in Denver, North Carolina. Brother Collins preaches on the prodigal generation from Luke ...
43:20Episode 19
Crossfire Ministries - Jun. 11th, 2020
Episode 19
The Father is looking for Spiritual worship, that is, true worship in the Spirit. While worship is an outward expression, true worship, comes from the heart. Tonight at Crossfire, Brother Paris Ragan explains true worship, from John 4:19-24. Brother Ragan asks, is all worship today a biblical ...
57:40Episode 20
Crossfire Ministries - June 4th, 2020
Episode 20
In Him, we live and move, and have our being. We establish our world view, as we look at the world around us. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart preaches from Acts 17:23-28. Brother Gabe says, so often, there is a departing from Christianity when a young person leaves home for the f...
41:30Episode 21
Crossfire Ministries - May 28th, 2020
Episode 21
Do you know what you worship? For the hour comes, and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Tonight Brother Paris Ragan looks into the Book of John Chapter 4:19-21, looking at worship, reading what’s been written since the time of the Jews and Samarita...
49:35Episode 22
Crossfire Ministries - May, 14th, 2020
Episode 22
Tonight Brother Gabe shares how the believer needs to know their world view; that is, what we believe and why we believe it. In Acts 17:25, Brother Gabe addresses what is really real? As believers, we are not called to stay silent and we are called to live what we are. Our goal, as a Christian...
48:25Episode 23
Crossfire Ministries - May. 7th, 2020
Episode 23
We must be the hands and feet of God, that is the mission of the church. Tonight at Crossfire, Pastor Gabe preaches on the Mission of the Church studying in Acts 17:16. He shares Paul’s travels to Athens, an epicenter of democracy and philosophy. When Paul arrived there, Paul’s soul was stirre...
43:00Episode 24
Crossfire Ministries - Apr. 30th, 2020
Episode 24
Let us draw near with a true heart. Today Brother Paris Ragan preaches from Hebrews 10:19, addressing true worship and drawing near to God. Brother Paris warns to be careful of the worship music in the world that lacks the Sprit of God behind it. What do you call Holy worship? Brother Paris s...